The Secession of the Southern States in 1860 and 1861

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Leading up to Civil War many events transpired that created a disconnect between Americans within the United States. The South believed that slave labor boosted the profitability and sustainability of their economy by allowing for cheap labor that lasted for a long time, while the slaves could also reproduce, creating more cheap labor to come. The North, however, disagreed with the South; they did not want slaves to take American jobs and they also promoted American labor. The North and South each tried to sway the other’s position on the topic of slave labor, but neither would budge. As time passed, certain events lead to the decline of slavery. The south recognized this and threatened to secede from the Union, adding to the disconnect between the two. Secession is defined as: to break away from; but for the South it was leverage to either help them attain what they desired or they could leave the union. Admitting free states, disallowing slavery to expand, and President Lincoln’s election were significant factors that lead to the secession of the southern states in 1860 and 1861. The union faced its first obstacle when the decision to admit states arose. Maine, Missouri and new territories recently gained, known as the Louisiana Territory, each applied for admission into the Union. At the time the south lead the senate in votes by a slim margin; moreover, Maine was admitted as a free-state, while Missouri was admitted as a slave-state. It was also decided that none of the Louisiana Territory would permit slave labor. The Missouri Compromise of 1820 triggered a negative reaction from both sides: the abolitionists despised the expansion of slavery in Missouri, while supporters of slavery desired more land than Missouri that allow... ... middle of paper ... ...weighed it options and each statem, one-by-one, seceded, in the hopes that slavery would be preserved. Eventually slavery did die out and the southern states were once again apart of the union, but not without a civil war. Ultimately the North and South’s differences could not be resolved through anything other than a Civil War. These causes, as well as others, left the South no other viable option, in their eyes, than to secede from the union, leading to the Civil War. Political, societal, and philosophical conflicts combined with one another to form the ultimate disagreement over slavery between the two regions. All in all, admitting a disproportionate amount of free states to slave states into the union, preventing slavery from expanding, and President Lincoln’s election were significant factors that lead to the secession of the southern states in 1860 and 1861.

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