In “The Scarlet Ibis” by James Hurst, Doodle is an intelligent character. William “Doodle” Armstrong is a character who everybody thought was going to die. However, when Doodle lives on to see another day, he learns of the incredible world that his mind, but not necessarily his body, would be able to experience. Doodle’s first signs of intelligence is shown when the narrator describes his responsiveness. Doodle was able to respond to his name, and when he began to talk, he “talked so much that [they] all quit listening to what he said” (556). This description of Doodle’s earlier life shows his above-average intelligence because it emphasizes the extraordinary mental actions that Doodle was capable of, as opposed to what his physical well-being
limited of him. His ability to respond to his name is not something that a child of his age is normally able to do, and his talkativeness gives us the idea that his mind was more capable. Later in the story, Doodle shows his intelligence when he, suddenly, sat in Old Woman Swamp and began to cry. He had, for the first time, experienced such “beauty,” as the narrator had described it. This event illustrates his intelligence because he viewed the world differently. He looked around himself with round, wonder-filled eyes, stroking the grass. As one would simply say, he was deep. He was deeper than most others his age. After Doodle begins to walk around with his brother, he shows his intelligence in his “lying,” which was actually just what the narrator had called storytelling. When Doodle and his brother had roamed about, resting often to fit Doodle’s needs, they told “lies” to pass the time. Doodle portrays his intelligence in his lies, which were much more complex and imaginative than what a normal six-year-old child would think of. Although the stories were pointless, they were something different; it once again showed that his mind worked harder. What Doodle’s remarkable intelligence represented was the complete independence of the mind from physical attributes; do not judge a man by his appearance, for he is capable of much, much more.
Doodle was like a shooting star in the night sky. He was rare and special. Doodle was a unique person that was different and didn’t fit in. Doodle was born sick and no one thought he would live, but he did end up living and his brother spent much of his time helping Doodle become stronger and learn to walk. Over time in the story Doodle got stronger, but in the end he eventually died. In “The Scarlet Ibis” James Hurst uses creative symbols such as the color red, the scarlet ibis bird, and the seasons to represent the life of Doodle.
Doodle and Simon have many similarities. They both have heart conditions and have to adjust to their lives but that is really the only similarity. In the movie Simon Birch by Mark Steve Johnson, the character Simon never has a completely normal life because of his disability. In the book “The Scarlet Ibis” by James Hurst, Doodle never came close to normal because of his heart condition. Doodle and Simon have similarities but are different in many ways.
Who is the dynamic character in “The Scarlet Ibis?” To answer this question, one must first know what a dynamic character is or means. A dynamic character is one who changes by the end of the story. In “The Scarlet Ibis” the narrator is the one who is the dynamic character. How? First of all, the reason why the narrator is dynamic is he feels atrocious of how he has treated Doodle, his brother. The second reason is the narrator comprehends he should have appreciated his brother more. The last reason is the narrator feels fallacious of what he has done to Doodle; which has possibly led to Doodle’s death.
In conclusion, the narrator went through the pride cycle before realizing that he loved Doodle for who he was and not for what he couldn’t do. In the end, the narrator was too late and he had gone past Doodle’s barriers and limits. This caused Doodle’s body to be worked too hard thus causing Doodle to
Imagine living alone at 16, thousands of miles from your only family, no friends, and trying to gain land of your own. Hattie Brooks did just that, she was always known as Hattie Here-and-There because her parents died when she was young and she was shipped from relative to relative. She was bound to change that. She wanted something of her own, she wanted a home. So, in 1918 after receiving a letter leaving a homestead claim to her from a long lost uncle Chester she packed up all she owned and moved to Montana. She quickly found out how difficult and demanding farm life was. In order to own the land officially she had to prove up which included having to set 480 rods of fence, cultivate one eighth of land, and pay thirty-seven seventy-five
When Doodle was born, the narrator "...wanted more than anything else someone to race to Horsehead Landing, someone to box with, and someone to perch within the top fork of the great pine behind the barn..."(595). Upon discovering Doodle was not only crippled but also not "'all there'", the narrator selfishly decides to kill his little brother by suffocation. His plan was halted when he watched his brother grinned right at him. Though the narrator didn't kill Doodle, the narrator treated his little brother with cruelty to advance his own desires. Two instances are the reason Doodle walked and Doodle's training in his brother's program. Firstly, the reason that the narrator is determined to teach Doodle to walk was not solely out of kindness. "When Doodle was five years old, I was embarrassed at having a brother of that age who couldn't walk, so I set out to teach him"(597). The narrator is embarrassed that he has a brother that's physically unable to meet the narrator's expectations as what his brother should be. Yet, the narrator successfully taught Doodle how to walk, but in doing so, the narrator gained a false sense of infallibility that's equal only to his pride. The narrator thus created "...a terrific development program for him, unknown to mama and daddy, of course” (599). Several obstacles impeded the progress of the program, resulting in the brothers to double their efforts. The narrator made Doodle"...swim until he turned blue and row until he couldn't lift an oar. Wherever we went, I purposely walked fast, and although he kept up, his face turned red and his eyes became glazed. Once he could go no further, so he collapsed on the ground and began to cry"(601). Blinded by his desire to satisfy his pride, he became ignorant of the fact that as a sick child Doodle is unable to overexert himself, but the
In the story, the narrator's pride sometimes takes him over and eventually kills his brother Doodle. At the end of the story, the narrator " as I [He] lay sheltering my fallen scarlet ibis from the heresy of rain" (176).
Doodle's brother would only do this to have control on Doodle and Doodle's actions. This control, which Doodle's brother wanted, gave him enjoyment to boss around his brother, enjoyment to boss a crippled kid. And that Doodle walked only because his brother was ashamed of having a crippled brother. It was bad enough having an invalid b....
In order to represent that the narrator's pride caused him to act with ill manners towards Doddle, Hurst creates the internal conflict which portrays the narrator’s struggle to choose what is more important, his pride or his brother. As the narrator confessed his past to the reader, he described a memory about how Doodle walked and he announced to the family that the narrator was the one who taught him. The narrator thus responds with: “They did not know that I did it for myself; that pride, whose slave I was, spoke to me louder than all their voices; and that Doodle walked only because I was ashamed of having a crippled brother” (Hurst 419). It is important to note how the author compares the narrator to a “slave” of pride, the word slave connotes that the narrator is imprisoned by pride and creates the appearance that the force is inescapable. Throughout the story pride dictates the narrator, if
Brother’s goals started to get out of hand once he taught Doodle how to walk he wanted Doodle to learn how to do everything. In the story he says, “ I would teach him to run, to swim, to climb trees, and to fight… I set the deadline for these accomplishments less than a year away.”(Check if this is need or not) (167)(Textual support- 3) Brother didn’t think about Doodle when setting this goal, he didn’t about the strain and impact this would have on Doodle’s body and on Doodle’s mind. (change the wording of this
Humans are never perfect, and their emotions often conflict with their logic. In “The Scarlet Ibis”, the narrator receives a physically disabled brother, Doodle, thus trains Doodle physically so that he could live a normal life. Throughout the story, the narrator’s actions and thoughts reveals his true personalities to the audience as he slowly narrates the story of himself and his scarlet ibis, Doodle, whose existence he dreaded. In the story written by James Hurst, pride, love, and cruelty, these conflicting character traits all exists in Doodle’s brother. And the most severe of all, pride.
...e proper descriptions of Douglass’s experiences. These words also justify that he is brilliant and not no fool. His influential words in the narrative support the message of him being smarter than what some people may believe.
James Hurst is the author of the heart breaking short story entitled “The Scarlet Ibis”. “The Scarlet Ibis” is a short story about two brothers; one brother is healthy, while the other is physically handicapped. The short story is centered on the idea that the older, healthier brother’s selfishness and pride ultimately led to the death of his younger brother, Doodle. Numerous quotes throughout the story demonstrate Hurst’s use of symbolism and foreshadowing to portray and predict Doodle’s untimely and heartbreaking death.
Schmoop states that the birds in the “Scarlet Ibis” by James Hurst are a distraction from the story. The birds do the complete opposite from distracting the story, they give more detail, hints, along with help the reader understand what is happening. If the birds were not included in the story, it would have been a different story. Not that much description furthermore foreshadowing would have been in the story.
...lly as [he] can, using for [his] defence the only arms [he] allow [himself] to use - silence, exile, and cunning" (226-269). By discussing how education affects Stephen from a child to a young man, Joyce has shown the reader Stephen's development as an artist and human being.