Globalization, or outsourcing, has been a hindrance on the American economy for the better part of twenty years. Outsourcing has cost millions of jobs in the United States over the past twenty years, and continues to create problems for the families in the United States. Outsourcing is a hindrance on the American economy, and will create a lasting effect on the college graduates and younger children of today. While outsourcing is bad for the American economy, it has been a growth factor for the economies of the countries such as India. However, India has a social caste system. The caste system determines what social class one is born into, and that person has to stay in that social class for their entire life. Therefore, the economy of that country would be better, but it would only help the rich get richer and politicians have a stronger effect on the poorer classes. JOBS Job growth is at an all-time low, and it is because of the pay that Americans have to have in order to survive in the United States. The largest companies in the United States are finding that there are workers that are just as qualified in other countries that do not require as much pay. The article Vanishing Jobs says, “Nationally, layoffs are eliminating jobs far beyond blue-collar workers... in the ever shrinking manufacturing sector” (Katel). This quote interprets the idea that business will do anything to make a greater profit through cutting costs. Most politicians say that the issue behind job loss in the United States is because of lack of education. This to some point is true; however, the evidence provides the information to conclude that the degree holders are mostly the ones losing their jobs because of the higher wage that is obtained by the degre... ... middle of paper ... ...ect on the college graduates and younger children of today. Outsourcing has made nothing but trouble for the United States with the passing of free trade agreements. It will cause a lack of jobs that will run the economy into the ground, and ruin the lives of the citizens of the United States. All of that so a business can use its faulty practices to make a higher profit. Outsourcing has consequences that will haunt the average American and their families for the rest of their existence on this planet. Works Cited Katel, Peter. "Vanishing Jobs." CQ Researcher 13 Mar. 2009: 225-48. Web. 3 Dec. 2013. Gregory, Paul Roderick. “Outsourcer-in-Chief: Obama of General Motors.” Forbes. Forbes. 12 August 2012. Web. 4 December 2013. Maynard, Michelle. “Detroit Is Eligible For Bankruptcy, And City Pensions Are At Risk.” Forbes. Forbes. 3 December 2013. Web. 4 December 2013
The real problem, according to Bruni, is that a college education is now far less likely to result in gainful employment. While statistics suggest that the rate of unemployment for college graduates is far better than for those with only a high school education, Bruni argues that these statistics
"It's clear that a college degree long ago supplanted the highschool diploma as a minimum qualification for entry into the skill level market, and there is abundant evidence that people with a college degree earn more money than people without one" (Delbanco 506). In our economical system the presence of education is not only relevant but pertanent to being able to navigate through the systems put in place. It is hard enough for individual who do have some form of formal education to obtain employment because of the increasing competition in the job markets, let alone for a person who does not have any formal education. In the system that is in place, a person without a college degree is equivalent to the square peg in a round hole. The obtainment of a degree usually determines the difference between the individual's path to a job or a career. Certain
Unemployment is on the rise and, always trying to be avoided. By obtaining a degree, the chance of being out of work is reduced. Baum, Ma, & Payea (2013) claim, “The 2012 unemployment rates for 25- to 34-year-olds were 9.6% for those with some college but no degree and 7.2% for those with associate degrees” (p.20). With just an associate's degree, the chance of being unemployed plummets 2.4% compared to those compared to little college, proving when the higher of a degree is obtained, the lower
Recently outsourcing has been in the news, especially during political election years. It seems to be a phenomenon that is causing much concern among the population. But exactly how is outsourcing effecting both workers and businesses? And is it as big of a problem as politicians describe?
Wallace Turbeville who is a senior fellow at Demos, which is an organization dedicated to public policy had written the that took issue with the emergency manager of Detroit Mr. Kevyn Orr 's in his assertion that the city 's obligatory legacy — more so those for retiree pensions, employee and health care benefits — are a major obstacle for municipal finances as the city of Detroit traverses bankruptcy
As the problem of job outsourcing becomes more of an issue in politics, elected officials like the President and Congress will no longer be able to ignore the dilemma. The war in Iraq has been at the forefront of the presidential race but the importance of outsourcing American jobs seems to have been slightly overshadowed. If the issue of outsourcing is not watched carefully and a definitive plan hammered out, a trickling down of negative effects may occur within the U.S. economy. However, there is a polarized opinion on the effects of this “phenomenon”.
Outsourcing emerged on the financial arena during the 1980s and has since then been spreading. Outsourcing production was furthered with the process of globalization which provided a new component leading to the strengthening of resources, skill and labor specializations across the world. The process of outsourcing is using the skill and abilities of a third-party to accommodate society on the foundation of labor. As stated earlier, it was during the 1980s that the process kicked off mainly due to the efforts of corporations when they began to hire labor forces across the world. Even though outsourcing has come out from its developing stages, there are still following effects on the US economy.
Many college graduates are finding it hard to get jobs. The biggest issue is the amount of debt Americans are facing due to the college degree they were told they should have. Colleges have been raising the prices on everything from tuition to books. The government is giving out loans to students without even asking where they’re going to school for, or if they’ll even have a plan to pay off the debt in the future. The mentality is that corporations and business won’t hire someone unless they possess a college degree. Gerald Celente, from Trends Research Institute, says “It makes no difference to have a college degree.” (College Conspiracy Scam - youtube) He wants individuals to have minds and to think for themselves. Many believe that with a degree they can have any car and house they desire and commonly known as the American Dream.
Do you ever wonder what our nations underlying focus is? The answer is simple and should be fairly easy to guess… Money! Outsourcing originated from someone coming up with the idea that we can make products for practically nothing in other countries and make very high profits. Although it seems like a great idea to businesses, it negatively affects our country. American consumers are buying these products that are made in other countries and the companies profits are continuing to rapidly increase. At the same time, people that are in the production field of work in America are losing their jobs because producers would rather pay foreign workers to get the job done for a much lower wage. When it comes down to it, one of the reasons our economy is suffering is because of outsourcing. Basically, it all comes down to money. The consumers don’t pay close enough attention to where the products are made. Therefore, consumers are spending extra money and are causing outsourcing to thrive. The lack of knowledge Americans have on the subject of consumers affecting outsourcing is leading our country to economic stress but if we begin to recognize the issue, the jobs we could potentially save may be our own.
If more people went to college, and less went the vocational route, jobs will take a momentous hit. Today, companies will not even touch an application that does not include a Bachelor’s Degree; even if the Bachelor’s Degree has nothing to do with the job being applied for. Attention is not given to whether the hopeful applicant qualifies for the job; all that matters is that the applicant has a Bachelor’s degree. Murray best sums up the American job market when he says, “Employers do not value what the student learned, just that the student has a degree” (Murray). However, if less people obtain a Bachelor’s Degree, employers will be forced to base applicants on their skills, and abilities. Furthermore, important vocational jobs that lie vacant will be filled. Good electricians, carpenters, and construction workers will always be in
Detroit once a vibrant city in the 1950’s has gone bankrupt and has become a place where the standards of living have dropped. Detroit has now become an unsatisfactory place to live, due to things like extreme poverty and pollution. “Today, the boomtown is bust. It is an eerie and angry place of deserted factories and homes and forgotten people. Detroit which once led the nation in home ownership, is now a foreclosure capital.” (LeDuff 5) The main reasons for the decline are the lack of economic diversity, racial tension, unreliable politicians, and the oil crisis. These factors all took major roles in Detroit having to declare bankruptcy in 2013; however even after the obstacles Detroit has had to overcome, it is now back on the path to success.
Education and experience are considered “human capital” by economist. The knowledge and skills learned on the job make employees more productive. Historically women were less likely to go to college and graduate, however according to the U.S. Department of Education Institute of Education Sciences National Center for Education Statistics Between 1970 and 2001, women went from being the minority to the majority of the U.S. undergraduate population, increasing their representation from 42 percent to 56 percent of undergraduates. If these trends continue women will make up the larger segment of the skilled labor force. Educational attainment is particularly important in closing the wage gap. The simple fact is that employees with a college degree makes more than employees with a high school education. The gender wage gap exists at all levels of education, and women with graduate degrees experience the widest wage ratio of 73 percent, earning almost $450 less per week than
Job flooding.. Political leaders and college presidents have argued that the nation must increase the proportion of adults with college degrees in order for America to remain competitive in the global economy. The growth of college-educated labor is exceeding the growth in the demand for such labor in the labor market (Are Recent). We have been affected by degree inflation so much that the average citizen is overeducated for her position and the job market for educated workers is completely consumed up. People who spent years in school training for jobs that pay well can’t find work when they graduate. About five million college graduates are in jobs the BLS says require less than a high-school education (Savitz). Our high underemployment and un...
Without any action taken to reduce outsourcing, economic growth within America will continue to slow down due to decreased jobs and lowered job openings. “Many experienced IT workers in developed countries have been laid off when companies turned their outsourcing needs to overseas service providers” (Shao, 2007). Along with that, many support jobs that IT jobs helped sustain (such as those in human resources and sales) have also been lost (Shao, 2007). These jobs have simply moved outside the country to increase profits for companies. But with the introduction of a tax on profits made through outsourcing, these outsourced jobs can be reduced and brought back into the nation. Additionally, outsourced jobs from the manufacturing field continue
Unfortunately, there are many Americans out of work in today’s current declining economy. Unemployment can be defined as a person who is out of work involuntary, not by choice. These people are looking jobs and available to start work. Being unemployed can be disheartening and deciding what the next step is can be challenging. Underemployed can be described as being inadequately employed, such as a low-paying job that requires fewer skills than one possess. (Daly, Hobijn, and Kwok 2015) Making ends meet can be difficult for one who has been affected by this economy over the past few years. America still has a high unemployment rate since the decline of the current job market. And many Americans are struggling to establish the skills needed for employment, or the underemployed are force to lower they skill to make a profit. America’s economic status has force the underemployed and unemployed to make ends meet with the current jobs available. And last but not least some have also utilized these difficult times to venture into new discoveries to make life hassle free. So, we wonder is Americans giving up in today’s economy or do they settle for lower end job to establish a steady income to make ends.