The Roman Empire

1945 Words4 Pages

Ancient Rome, the period between the 8th and 1st centuries B.C. in which Rome grew from a little colony to an emerging empire. "Roman imperialism introduced extremes of wealth and poverty that honed social and economic conflict within the Roman state ." The enormous army and their countless loots, as well as their captured slaves, produced many changes along the countryside such as small farms becoming large plantations, and peasants left without lands decided to journey to Rome and other cities. "Immense wealth inflamed the ambitions of Roman nobles who struggled for personal domination rather than collective rule ." This dominant emergence of power and rule thus led to the conquering and control of other societies. The following paragraphs will be divided in order to partition the overall structure of the Roman Empire and the ethics and justifications of their colonial methods.

The Roman Empire's defined arrangement can be classified through the following features: the social hierarchies, governmental establishment, formation of the military, economical base, belief system and the use of technology.

Social Hierarchies:

Rome was an extremely hierarchical society organizes in different classes which had well-defined roles. Through history, all the information was recorded on the elite or wealthy people, and not the poor people. Writers of the day usually ignored the stories of those who made up the lower class. In Rome, senators, equestrians, and assorted others, like actors and astrologers, ready to amaze the emperor and his family, made up the imperial court, which was the center of aristocratic life. "The emperors used ties of patronage, rewarding elites who were loyal with offices and gifts ." Roman elite...

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...oo fond of this idea and will eventually strike back.


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- Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia 2004 : The Roman Empire

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