The Roles of Adenauer and Walter Ulbricht in the Development of Post War Germany

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The Roles of Adenauer and Walter Ulbricht in the Development of Post War Germany

Both Adenauer and Walter Ulbricht had very important roles in the

development of post war Germany. Adenauer brought West Germany to an

acceptable economic level quickly, as well integrating Germany into

Europeby joining NATO. Adenauer also helped to make West Germany

political stable. Erhard was important in the development of East

Germany, however, not as important as Adenauer in the development of

the whole of Germany. East Germany was influenced heavily by the

Soviets and was associated heavily with the Soviet bloc, which meant

that East Germany had a communist political and economical system.

Ulbricht was very influential in decision making, yet the East never

had the popularity the West had, or the economic prosperity. Yet

because of the foreign relations Adenauer created with the Western

Allies in light of the cold war, as well as the economic prosperity

that came with it, I believe Adenauer was more influential than

Ulbricht and Erhard.

Adenauer was very successful as the Chancellor of West Germany.

Politically, he managed to create a coalition with the Liberals as he

had no majority with the CDU which helped him to stay in power.

However, it could be said that he was dependent on another party to

remain in power, yet he still managed to do it. This coalition was

still in power together even up to 1961, showing the strength of

Adenauer's leadership. Adenauer also faced the problem of the economy,

and with the help of Ludwig Erhard and the Americans, Adenauer was

able to produce what some described as a 'miracle'. He was faced with

massive une...

... middle of paper ... himself inn 1966 having over

reacted to signs of inflation. His East German counterpart failed to

reproduce anything like the prosperity of the West in the East, and it

was Ulbricht's alliance with the Soviet's that led to the further

divide of the two and eventually the Berlin Wall. Historians differ on

the two leaders of east and West Germany. Those who were brought up in

East Germany were effected by anti capitalist propaganda and the evils

of capitalism, therefore critical of Adenauer. Whereas those who were

brought up in West Germany had an anti totalitarian ideology,

therefore were critical of the east and Ulbricht. Their emphasis would

be on the promotion of free democracies and distancing themselves from

Nazism. Therefore there are many different interpretations on as to

the success of Adenauer and Ulbricht.

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