The Role of the Prosecutor

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In the American Criminal Justice System, there are four key attributes in the role of the prosecutor. There are discretion, resource dependence, sequential tasks, and filtering. The prosecutors are lawyers that are accountable for presenting criminal cases in trial. The United States Attorneys are pointed by state or government, and represent the federal government in courts. They prosecute all adults who commit felonies and juveniles who commit delinquent crimes. Conjointly, the prosecutors have further responsibilities, such as legal adviser of the country commissioners, the Board of Elections, and written admonition of the prosecutors.


In today’s justice system, law enforcement contributes a significant role in the prosecution of criminals. Police officials use searches and seizures to inspect and collect evidence to convict an individual for suspect of crime. Though, previous to a search taking place, there must be a prerequisite of probably cause, that is, evidence of an illegal act. Further, as the commission report is founded, the evidence is referred to the county prosecutor. In The Criminal Justice System, there are two ways of a felony case is referred to a local prosecutor. The first one is a felony arrest, where the collection evidence is established probable cause. The second kind of a felony case is referred to a prosecutor has an investigation case. As a prosecutor, it is vital to use discretion while processing a case. The prosecutor must make sure that the law enforcement obeys the rules of evidence. The main cause of evidence is inadmissible in court the exclusionary rule. That is, when the police use manipulative tactics that violates the fourth, fifth, sixth amendment of the accused. Therefore, by ...

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...e same side in the end of the day.


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