The Role of Television in Today's Society

1955 Words4 Pages

The Role of Television in Today's Society

Has this technical box indoctrinated our minds with useless facts and

images or has it given us a sensation of enjoyment, education and pure

entertainment? Television has become ubiquitous across the globe.

Nearly every household in Britain owns at least one television if not

more. In my house we have three. For the past 80 years, this piece of

technology has become more popular, cheaper and becoming more

advanced. In London, 27th January 1926, John Logie Baird demonstrated

the first fully working television. Two years later, the colour

television was shown to the world. Though it was not until December

1953, that the colour system was adopted for broadcast in the USA. The

first high-definition television service in the world was the BBC in

November 1936.

Television images started off with fuzzy, distorted black and white

pictures. We now live in an era, where there's digital surround sound

television systems. It was only after about twenty years after the

first demonstration of the television, that television actually became

popular. Before then, it was a great luxury to own one, as it was so

expensive, not many people could afford it. It has now become a

necessity, nearly every home now owns one. When flicking through

holiday brochures, you check if the hotel has a television. You can

buy a television from as low as £50. In 1956, the first video player

was invented in California. People could now record programmes and

watch them later or buy videos to watch. This meant people now could

watch more by being able to watch one programme while recording

another to watch later. In 1973, tele...

... middle of paper ...

... moneymaking scheme, but not everyone can afford it, which is a problem

if the government plans to turn everyone into a digital user someday,

though it is becoming increasingly popular. I overall think television

can be good for you. We can learn a lot from it, quicker and more

enjoyable. We can be updated with around the world news coverage and

be warned of any arousing dangers. Other programmes we watch purely

for our own entertainment, but it doesn't mean that television has to

take over our lives, that all depends on the person's own will power

or if you're a child, the parent's restrictions. I think that we still

have much to expect from the development of the world's most powerful

'mind controller' I think there is much to come yet and we'll continue

to watch more of it, see more of it and demand more from it.

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