The Role of Corruption in Cambodia's Human Trafficking

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The rule of law is vital for supporting a democratic society. Citizens rely on the government to protect its people through laws and good governance. However, corruption undermines government’s abilities to be accountable for the good of its people. Corruption as defined by Transparency International is “the abuse of entrusted power for private gains”. When governments are corrupt, they defer the rule of law and create greater inequalities. Organized crimes, such as human trafficking, contribute to corruption by undermining law enforcement efforts, slowing economic growth, and raising the costs of regional trade (Dixon 98). These negative impacts effect the peoples trust in the government.
Cambodia according to Transparency International’s 2013 corruption perception index is ranked 160 out of 177 countries, with a score of 20 out of 100 (Corruption by Country). By this measure, Cambodia is one of the most corrupt countries in the world. The 2004 assessment of corruption in Cambodia by USAID and Casals and Associates, stated corruption “has become a part of everyday life in Cambodia” (Calavan, Diaz, O’Brien 2). To understand the current state of corruption within the nation, it is important to consider the countries recent history of successive political, economic, and social turmoil throughout the end of the twentieth century encouraged many qualified professional to leave the country (Ibid). Additionally, Cambodia’s history of military and political conflicts had isolated the country from advancing along with many of its neighbors. Furthermore, after the Paris Accords, the Cambodian government created a hybrid of “predatory market economics and authoritarian control” (Ibid). These factors, along with widespread extreme poverty,...

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...nd Jerald O’Brien. Cambodian Corruption Assessment. USAID and Casals & Associates. 2004. <>.

Calavan, Micheal M. “Cambodian Corruption Assesment.” USAID. Web. 2 Apr. 2012. .

"Corruption by Country / Territory."Transparency International. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Apr. 2014.

"Office of Inspector General." USAID. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Apr. 2012. .

Office of Inspector General. William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008. Washington, DC: US Agency for International Development , 2010. Print.

Sen, Samdech HUN. Speech on December 11, 2001

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