The Role Of Women In 'Pride And Prejudice'

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This controlling personality is something shared by Cecil In A Room With A View. Cecil fails to treat Lucy as a living person. He is more in love with the idea of Lucy than he is with the person. His selfish persona is presented frequently, for example his obvious dissatisfaction with Lucy 's town is a rejection of something that is an important part of her. Cecil tries to exploit Lucy and remove her from the “worthy” but unsatisfactory class the Honeychurches inhabit, and absorb her into the slightly more sophisticated social circle that his family belongs to. “The Honeychurches were a worthy family, but he began to realise that Lucy was of another clay; and perhaps—he did not put it very definitely—he ought to introduce her into more congenial …show more content…

The way in which the men make her feel this way shows their overpowering and dominance. He has made the woman feel worthless.

In the texts, the women frequently show signs of resisting the male dominance. The growth of independence amongst women becomes clearly evident throughout the texts . In Pride and Prejudice, Elizabeth, at times shows these strong signs of independence and freedom. This is first highlighted at the fact that she refuses Darcy’s first marriage proposal, she doesn 't allow herself to become controlled by him. Early in the novel, she says she will only ‘marry for love’, she is resisting the temptations such as money that she would acquire by doing so. She alone among the novel’s women feels aware of and outraged by the materialism and manipulativeness that characterise her civilisation’s attitudes about love and marriage. The way that she sticks with her decision even though there is huge pressure on her from her mother and society, shows a strong character to reject Darcy’s proposal. Elizabeth’s decision to change her mind about Darcy also shows how strong and independent she is. After previously rejecting his marriage proposal, he presents more admirable …show more content…

In Pride and Prejudice and A Room With A View, the endings show signs of similarity. The two Heroines of the novel’s end up marrying the men they love in relationship’s of mutual feelings between man and woman. This is something the women have been searching for throughout the novels, ’Wilde’ suggested that, “Lucy has very real longings to possess her own soul or, at least, to share it on terms of equality with the man she loves” . This highlights how much she wants to find real love, and her perseverance throughout the text finally pays off. The idea of true love that women have acquired in relationships is present in Duffy’s poem ‘Anne Hathaway’, although we learn the heroine’s husband has died, her descriptions of how much she loved him are heavily expressed. She writes about her dead husband ‘Shakespeare’. The poem is written in the form of a sonnet and the idea of love and admiration is heavily present. The ending of the poem brings emotion as the reader becomes aware of the endless love that Anne has for her dead husband. The woman is described as being very strong to cope with the loss of her love. This is highlighted by the frequent thoughts that she has of him “My living laughing love”. These words are obviously very complimenting and exposes the deep love

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