The Role Of The Monomyth In The Hero's Journey

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The Hero’s journey or monomyth is a 12 step cycle that begins and ends in the hero’s ordinary world. The hero goes forward into a world of mystical wonder where they encounter challenges and many small obstacles along the way. The journey ends when the hero returns from their adventure with a strong victory and transformed - nothing is quite the same when you’re a hero. The hero’s journey is predominantly a story of growth and development. This requires the hero to become estranged from their comfortable normal life as they go through a journey of self awareness, responsibility and skill to mature into a new found person. In the early 1950’s Joseph Campbell first noticed this common template amongst many movies and books. Campbell realised this was a …show more content…

So not only do we see monomyths within our most admired stories but also in our cultures, religions and social structures. This link between our world and the hero’s teaches us many lessons; to identify and navigate our paths to change our lives and to also prosper and become a better form of yourself. It is exceptionally insightful and the perfect lens to view any changes in your life- whatever time or hardship, everyone of us will go through the phases of the monomyth, we will learn to grow and adapt finally come to our resolution of fulfilling our goals. Archetypal characters also play an important role in the the hero’s journey, with some of the most well known being: heroes, allies, tricksters, shapeshifter, threshold guardians, herald, mentor and shadows. These are recognised as recurring character types that are represented so universally, appearing in literature from everywhere of all different places and times. As humans we unconsciously inherit thoughts on people, images and ideas which is known to be an archetype. Not only are archetypes shaped by society, but many reflect common experiences that all humans face which have been shared over millions of years of growing,

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