The Role Of Roman Soldiers In The Ancient Roman Army

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The ancient Roman army was one of extreme power and excellence. To be a Roman soldier meant to be professional as well as hard working. The Roman army during its time was the greatest empire in the west until modern times. It was built upon the hostility of the great Roman soldier. Compared to the warriors they fought, the Romans appeared to be much more professional and controlled. The men of the Roman legion, which is a great number of soldiers, soon became the monarchs in heavy infantry at time when heavy infantry ruled the battlefield. The ability to modify and improve weapons, tactics and strategy proved them to be resourceful on and off the battlefield.
The soldiers signed a contract to fight and were not allowed to marry while in service but were paid. Only men were allowed in the Roman army. Each Roman soldier was a Roman citizen as well. At the least the average soldier was 20 years of age. Most soldiers in the Roman Empire came from countries outside Italy. Some men joined the army simply to escape dull, routine lives. They wanted excitement and a chance to see the world....

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