The Role Of Religious Experiences In Psychology

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The writer explains that in the mind of psychologist, religious experiences are nothing more than a complex set of neurophysiological events (Benner, 1998, p. 67). Although the psychology field does not disapprove of the existence of God (Benner, 1998, p. 68). But psychologist do choose their own religion as freewill is evident. Psychology can only describe experiences from a human stand point. I think the best way that psychologist and theologians relate is in human experiences. These are the same in every human experience, loneness, coping with grieve, loss of a loved one, and the list is many. But recently they are changing in their methods.

“Many Psychologists are now developing and evaluating a variety of spiritually integrated approaches …show more content…

57).” I personally believe that religion can ruin one’s life. But following Jesus will only help one’s life. There is a difference between religion and relationship. Religion is man-made and it is man’s way of redeeming himself with works. But in a relationship with Jesus Christ it’s about Gods Amazing Grace. In man’s world or religion, we base our self-worth on what others think of us, but in Gods world which is spiritualty, we seek Gods Words that builds up and not tears down. In religion we never are forgiven, but Jesus forgives as we ask. In religion we control our own destiny, but in Jesus’ world we follow His will and receive peace about our destiny. In religion we have to strive for perfection, but in a relationship, we don’t have to be perfect to go to heaven. As we accept Jesus into our heart we are righteous and have the opportunity to become holy (Rev. 22:11). Then we are perfect before God. The Bible says in John 17:23 I in them, and You in Me; that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved

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