The Role Of Polyphemus In Greek Mythology

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Polyphemus plays a big role in Greek mythology and The Odyssey. There are many gods, goddesses, and mythical creatures in the epic poems Homer had written. Polyphemus, the son of Poseidon is often portrayed as a giant monster with barely an human characteristics. It plays an important role in The Odyssey and greek mythology because he had held Odysseus captive and got blinded. There are so many myths and theories about cyclopes and how they worked for Zeus and were semi-human monsters with bad temper.

Polyphemus is the son of Poseidon and Thoosa. He was a cyclops, which in greek means “round eye”. Polyphemus was a semi-human creature that was twice the size of a normal human. In greek mythology and The Odyssey, he is known as a “one-eyed giant”. There were theories that cyclopes were found on the island of Sicily and they lived in caves. There were also myths that cyclopes ate flesh of any kind including humans and animals which is why Polyphemus treated Odysseus and his men like dinner. There were many myths about cyclops in books, and websites. There were myths that said that a long time ago, all of the monsters were banished or kicked out of the earth except for cyclopes because they were Zeus’ favorite. They all worked for Zeus and listened to whatever he commanded even if they had no manners or good temper. Zeus had provided …show more content…

In the story, he captures a Greek hero named Odysseus and his men. They were all on their way back from the Trojan War and were trapped in one of the caves looking for food where Polyphemus had blocked the exits. Polyphemus had eaten six of Odysseus’ men. The most famous part of the story was when Odysseus had gotten him drunk and blinded him by plunging a pole at Polyphemus’ eye whilst he was sleeping. He then told Poseidon to put a curse on Odysseus while he was on his journey back because he was enraged that Odysseus had hid his identity and

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