The Role Of Phoenix Jackson In Eudora Welty's A Worn Path

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Phoenix Jackson A Worn Path Hero The hero’s quest is the most common story used. A Worn Path by Eudora Welty follows the hero’s quest archetype rules. Phoenix Jackson, the main character/hero of the story, was born a slave but is now a free old woman who needs to get medicine for her grandson. Her grandson drank lye, an acid, and needs medicine to help sooth his burnt throat. The only way she can get the medicine is by going into town and getting it from the doctor's office, which is thirty miles away. Phoenix is considered a hero because she has more than one quality that shows her to be one. Her past is mysterious, her journey is beset with dangers, loneliness, and temptation, and her goal is just a symbol for what she actually wants. Phoenix Jackson’s past is mysterious, she is born a slave so her parents are unknown. It is never said that she was a slave the readers assume she is when the hunter points his gun at her and asks if it scares her and she says “No,sir,I seen plenty go off closer by,in my day, and for less than what I done,” (51). She responded this way because slaves lived very hard lives and were threatened often for anything that they would do wrong, or even for no reason at all. It is also unknown who her grandson’s mother and father are, or if …show more content…

One danger on her journey are the thorns in the brush that cut her at the start of her long walk. after she got out of the thoery bush she said “‘Sun so high!’ she cried leaning back and looking,while the thick tears went over her eyes” (48).Another danger is when the hunter points his gun at her because she wouldn’t turn back and go home. Phoenix was alone through the whole journey, she couldn’t take her grandson with her because he is sick. Her journey is beset with temptation when the hunter drops some money and Phoenix decides to pick it up. That’s how Phoenix's journey is beset with dangers, loneliness and

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