The Role Of Obstacles In The Odyssey

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The Odyssey, written by Homer in ancient greek times, is an epic that portrays itself as a metaphor for life. In the Odyssey, Odysseus is confronted with challenges and obstacles and is nearly subdued by temptations and pitfalls. But through these challenges and temptations, he is searching for one place, Ithaca, a representation of the ultimate goal of happiness in life. Just like in the the Odyssey, my life is a series of challenges, obstacles, temptations, and pitfalls to find Ithaca, or happiness.

My life has many obstacles and challenges, just like the Odyssey. The Scylla is like major obstacles in my life, in that it can take away my motivation and hope, just like how it took Odysseus’s men. In my life, what would represent the Scylla …show more content…

For instance, in the Odyssey, the Lotus Eaters are a temptation some of Odysseus’s men fall for. This represents a temptation that will appear at some point in my life - especially procrastination. Odysseus’s men would rather keep eating the intoxicating food then go home, just how I would rather goof off than do my work. My character should avoid such temptations to continue with life, because if I get stuck, I may never find happiness, just as if Odysseus succumed to the temptation, he would have never found Ithaca. Another thing that odysseus had to bypass is the Charybdis. How interpret the Charybdis is a whirlpool of bad things - bad habits in my life that can bring me to my ultimate downfall. Alcohol abuse, drugs, and other bad decisions can take me to the whirlpool of addiction, a place where I don’t want to be. Life is full of temptations and pitfalls, and must be avoided using good judgement and knowledge, just like how Odysseus …show more content…

In the Odyssey, there is a lot of adventures and roadblocks, just like my life. As a venture the maze of life, there will be many things in my way that will provide an adventure. One being the test of 12 years of knowledge, the Standard Abilities Test. The next, my trial of passionate and deeper knowledge, four to eight years in a university. Then, the rite of passage, the college graduation, and the opening of the many paths in the maze of life. After that, the decisions on which turns I take are mine to make. I could take a wrong turn and go into a never ending, frightening labyrinth of confusion and worry. I could take the turn into the complex, challenging, and magical path of harboring a family. I could also take the clean-cut path through a peaceful and fun life of wealth and joy. Nevertheless, all the right turns all lead to one place - the place of satisfaction, accomplishment, and happiness -

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