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Nurse to patient ratio
Nurse to patient ratio
Nurse to patient ratio
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Nurses are sex objects, incompetent and subservient to physicians. Any nurse or individual who truly understands the work of a nurse can say that the previous statement is not true. Nurses are defined as compassionate and knowledgeable, and are correlated with saving lives and instilling hope (Varaei, 2012). These traits will always be the foundation of nursing, however, society has been more attentive to the stereotypical view of nurses and their duty in the health care (Varaei, 2012). Over time, the false nursing image has been constructed by tradition, education, society, relationship between doctors and nurses, historical views, and media (Varaei, 2012). However, today, media is one of the biggest factors contributing and sustaining nurses’ …show more content…
Tv shows such as Grey’s Anatomy and House, “put white male physicians in leading roles on medical shows that by default left nursing as marginal, secondary if not tertiary, and even unnecessary” (Heilemann, 2012). Since nurses are not centralized in medical shows, the viewers do not know the real role of nurses in the healthcare team. The role of the nurse in medical shows are taken over by doctors. On Grey’s Anatomy, the doctor quickly calls for a nurse when he drops something, showing that nurses do anything the doctors tells them to do and perform tasks that doctors do not want to do. Also, nurses not only cure patients but they also care for patients. This concept is completely absent from medical shows or taken over by physicians. Thus, people are not informed on the qualifications and disciplines of nursing. A research study on 106, 16 year old students show that 13.2% of them perceive nurses to be doctors’ assistants and 4.7% think no qualifications are required for nursing (Whitehead, 2007). Those students may perceive nurses as doctor’s assistants due to the media portrayal of nurses under the doctor’s orders. Also, the absence of nurses in medical shows contributes to the lack of knowledge the viewer has about nursing qualifications. This can be a result from medical shows not properly displaying the role and qualifications of
Presented issues such as lack of nursing opportunities for nursing graduates, lack of respect for the nursing profession and nurses being viewed as a threat by doctors continues to be of an existence today. As a nurse, I feel that it is of high importance to highlight these presented issues from the film not only because they were the most outstanding to me but because the nursing profession needs more
The health care workers in the show Nurse Jackie, are portrayed as as hard working professionals who hold a high regard for patient care. The nurses follow an established dress code which requires clean and preferably wrinkle free scrubs, as well as, a stethoscope. Since the nurses work in the ED they have had to develop strong relationships with the doctors to ensure that everyone can be trusted (Austin, 2009; Brixius, Wallem, & Dunsky, 2009; Hudis, 2009). For the most part the nurses know that the doctors hold the ultimate control, but with increasing trust the nurses can be empowered to exercise a broader scope of practice. When interacting with the patients, the nurses act in a professional manner and employ appropriate interpersonal skills and non-verbal signs. Finally, these nurses have meaningful roles because they are portrayed as individuals who provide a high level of bedside care and are willing to accommodate most of their patient’s needs (Austin, 2009; Brixius et al., 2009; Hudis, 2009).
In-class discussions focused in on these various images of nursing and their damaging consequences. I have observed that I am not as assertive as I should be to dispute these negative images of nursing. I need to recognize when individuals make comments insinuating a negative portrayal of nurses. I will then proceed to educate these individuals on their uninformed views by demonstrating an understanding of my role as a nurse. This step will require knowledge and confidence; which I hope to acquire by the following strategies outlined in my knowledge confidence
Gordon makes a great argument about doctor and nurse relationship. She states that in fact “many doctors still consider nurses to be their handmaidens,” although they are supposed to work together as a te...
There is a common misconception that the role of school nurses only includes the occasional first aid duties and caring for kids with a cold or the flu. Yet, the truth is that the responsibilities of school nurses are critical to monitoring and maintaining healthy and thriving schools. School Nurses are foundational to making public education available to every student regardless of any and all pre-existing health conditions and circumstances.
Angelou once said, “The people may forget the nurses name, but they will never forget how that nurse made them feel.” Nursing is a profession. Unfortunately, nursing does not always get the credit it deserves because of these stereotypes. Nursing is not a gay profession for males. Due to the shortage of nurses, our society needs more nurses now than never. Nurses make a difference in almost every person’s lives just not in hospital rooms but also in schools and clinics. Nursing in not easy job but somebody has to do it. There has to those individuals who must take on this challenge and be the difference in someone’s life. People could not care if someone considers them a failure for being a nurse and not a doctor. Most doctors could not do their job effectively without the help and assistance of nurses. The money is there for those who think nurses does not get paid that much. Healthcare is one of the biggest factors in our world, and for our world to progress further, an increase in employment for nursing is necessary. These stereotypes should not and will not stop the field of nursing from
Nursing is a field of work that so many people find themselves fascinated with, as well as harboring a degree of respect. We look to nurses with a sense of admiration and reverence, and look to them for security in times of need. What makes nursing such a desirable and enthralling field to other people? Despite the fact that doctors are normally under the spotlight, nursing is of profound importance in American culture. Nurses provide comfort and security, as well as a knowledge of medical aid. The field of nursing has the benefit of coming from a field that is ancient, yet timeless and has blossomed throughout history to make a large impact on our culture today.
Worldwide, nurses have developed themselves into professionals with a great deal of knowledge. Despite these developments towards professionalism, nurses are still portrayed in a misleading and inaccurate way and are not given the recognition for the skills they have acquired. The essence of nursing is not always clear and nurses still suffer from stereotypes (Hoeve,2014). A stereotype can be defined as “a cognitive representation or impression of a social group that people form by associating particular characteristics and emotions with a group” (Smith and Mackie, 2007). Of the many types of nursing, a very popular stereotype that is depicted of nurses is being doctor’s handmaiden and only performing repetitive and simple tasks (Hoeve,2014.) This public image of nursing does not match their professional images, in fact, it is quite the opposite. Nurses are strong independent individuals that play just as big a role in the hospital as due the doctors or surgeons. The problem is nurses are not depicted as professionals and the public is not aware that nursing today is very theory-based oriented and a scholarly profession. Over the last few decades, nursing gone through extensive and important
Nursing is more than merely a job, an occupation, or a career; it is a vocation, a calling, a frame of mind and heart. As a nurse, one must value the general good of others over his own. He must devote of himself nobly to ensure the well-being of his patient. However, today’s well-recognized nurses are notably different from nurses of the recent past. Service is the core of the nursing profession, and the essential evolution of the vocation reflects the ever-changing needs of the diverse patient population that it serves. As a profession, nursing has evolved progressively, particularly in its modernization throughout the past two centuries with the influence of Florence Nightingale. The field of nursing continues to grow and diversify even today, as nurses receive greater medical credibility and repute, as its minority representations
McCurry et all (2009/2010)??** state ‘Nursing as a profession has a social mandate to contribute to the good of society through knowledge-based practice.’ Acknowledging this statement and in recognition of the challenges faced in today’s healthcare system it is imperative that nurses know who they are as a profession. Without an explicit understanding of our identity as nurses and our role in society we have no worth or purpose other than to aid and promote the medical discipline (Newman et al., 2008).
Many underestimate the role of the school nurse. So much so that in some schools the role of school nurse is being eradicated or combined with other positions. however aside for taking temperatures a major role of a school nurse is to help assess the current state of general health within the school. this is the first line of defense concerning outbreaks and health trends that take place within the school. generally if their is a rise in sexual activity, drug use, or a host of other issues the school nurse is one of the first to see these trends (NASN, 2015).
The nursing profession has changed drastically over time. The roles and responsibilities that nurses take on have increased and become far more complicated. Nurses are managers, leaders, supervisors and have become experts in many areas of care. Every day nurses are faced with the task of improving and strengthening professional leadership within their work environment. Managing good quality and eliminating risk is the major challenge in health care. All members of the team must work together to accomplish outstanding patient care. Budget cuts and nursing shortage in all areas of health care leads to less licensed staff, where use of unlicensed personnel have been used widely, where delegation is not an option, but a necessity. Nurses must be aware of delegation guidelines, what tasks to delegate,when to delegate for the safety of patients, liability of nurses and the facility.
In my medical career, I have been privileged to work alongside some of the most professional, dedicated, knowledgeable and compassionate nurses. I have seen first-hand the difference that they can make in a patient’s life and their family, during those unfortunate times when sickness and injury can be so overwhelming. The appreciation and respect that I have for nurses, as well as their indispensable contribution to the health care system, is what encourage me to pursue nursing as a profession.
The image of nursing plays a vital part in determining the history and future of nursing. It forms the framework of guidelines and protocols for promoting and improving the role of nurses in the modern world. Also, this paper stresses on the change in appreciation of their roles which have been damaged in the past years. The area of nursing has been facing various stereotypes from the public due to misconceptions created by the media. Therefore, the image of nursing is critical to nurses in general because it helps to evaluate them on the previous perceptions which are helping them to self-evaluate as a way of improving the quality of patient care. This paper outlines the issue of the image of nurses as a way of encouraging the performance
In the healthcare setting, a systematic process to ensure maximum care and maximum recovery in patients is needed, which is called the nursing process. This process consists of four steps: assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation (Walton, 2016). The nursing process is important to ensure quality care and to get the preferred outcome. In the nursing process, critical thinking is used to recognize the issue and come up with a logical solution to solving it. One important aspect of the nursing process is that the plan is not set in stone; it is meant to be manipulated in order to better suit the patient. Nurses must be able to think critically in order to recognize the issue, develop a way to correct it, and be able to communicate the issue to others. Throughout the nursing process, critical thinking is used to determine the best plan of care for a patient based on their diagnosis.