The Road Not Taken Annotation

704 Words2 Pages

Will Prysock
ENG 1 Phase 4
Mr. Isaac
Annotation #1

Robert Frost
“Two roads diverged in a yellow wood
(The Road Not Taken)

The title refers to the path in life that Frost took that is not taken by many people. It shows how his life was better because of this choice.
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, Frost is traveling when he comes across two roads split at a fork. The “yellow wood” shows that it is autumn. The poem seems like it’s just about two roads, but they become metaphors for decisions in his life.
And sorry I could not travel both He realizes that he could not go down both paths. He uses the word sorry to show regret of not being able to experience both.
And be one traveler, long I stood This line shows how stood realizing that he had to decide which path he should continue down. We see that he is walking because he uses the word stood. …show more content…

This could be a metaphor for looking into his future.
To where it bent in the undergrowth; He could only see as far as the first bend in the road. That also could show that he can not see that far into his future.
Then took the other, as just as fair, Frost decided upon taking the other road, as it was just as good as the first in his opinion.
And having perhaps the better claim, This line shows how the road that Frost decided upon may end up being the better road in the end. He is still uncertain though, because he used the word perhaps.
Because it was grassy and wanted wear; The road that he took was grassier and hasn’t been traveled on, which makes it the better choice in his mind.
Though as for that the passing there He traveled farther down the road with no significant developments, but used the word though to show that his original thoughts may have proven

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