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Historiography on the Origins of the Cold War
Espionage during the cold war
The historical context for the cold war
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Recommended: Historiography on the Origins of the Cold War
In “Spies: the Rise and fall of the KGB in America”, John Earl Haynes, Harvey Klehr, and Alexander Vassiliev base their information off of a collection of documents that belonged to the KGB. The archives provide the most complete report of Soviet espionage in America ever written. Along with a general look into espionage strategies and the motives of Americans who spied for Stalin, this book settles specific controversies. “Spies: the Rise and Fall of the KGB in America” reveals numerous American spies who were never even under suspicion and also identifies the last unaccounted for nuclear spies who were American. This source focused greatly on Soviet infiltration of the U.S. government, and Haynes, Harvey, and Vassiliev convey why and how penetration contributed to the success and failure of the KGB throughout the Cold War. It is significant to understand what the KGB was and what it did, since this book is centered around the actions of this organization. The KGB was the main security agency for the Soviet Union from 1954 until its collapse in 1991. The KGB was also considered to have been a military service and was governed by army laws and regulations. Its main focuses included foreign intelligence, counterintelligence, operative-investigatory activities, guarding the State Boarder of the USSR and the leadership of the Soviet Government, organization and ensuring of government communications as well as fighting off nationalism and anti-Soviet activities. The KGB failed to rebuild most of its U.S. illegal resident networks, and the last major illegal resident was betrayed by his own assistant in 1957. Recruitment then put emphasis on mercenary agents. This approach was successful in espionage that was specifically scientific... ... middle of paper ... ...o recruited sources with access to American counterintelligence investigations in order to monitor the danger its agents faced and to warn them when they were in trouble. While a handful of spies in the American government were mercenaries, paid foreigners, most of them were actually Communists who took little profit for their activities but willingly supplied information out of devotion to the Soviet Union (pg 291). John Earl Haynes, Harvey Klehr, and Alexander Vassiliev deciphered KGB documents in order to present ideas about Soviet espionage in the U.S. during the time of the Cold War. This book covered the basic tactics and drive behind Americans who spied for the Soviet Union. This source concentrated on uncovering the unexpected U.S. spies on the Soviet’s side and the rise and fall of the KGB due to the penetration of America’s government during the Cold War.
Guilford, CT: Dushkin/ McGraw-Hill, 1997. Chiatkin, Anton. A. Treason in America. Washington DC: Executive Intelligence. Review, a review of the book, Divine, Breen, Frederickson, and Williams. America Past and Present.
. The Venona project was a military investigation decoding Soviet cables going in and out the United States. These cables revealed hundreds of citizens and immigrants all on American soil that passed very confidential information to Soviet intelligence. (Citation here) This alarming discovery of spies and the success of them gathering information showed the Soviet Union and communisms ability to influence and control. It was espionage that led to the trails of Julius and Ethal Rosenburg. The Rosenburg were American citizens indited, convicted, and executed for passing confidential information to Soviet officials, which aided them in the duplication of nuclear weapons specifically the atomic bomb. Had the Soviet Union not gained access to such a vital piece of information, the pivoting point of psychological fear to actual physical fear spiraling a world wind of cause and effects around the world, then perhaps the fear its self would not have grown to such status. The Soviet Union’s espionage was a war on American soil, fought secretly to dismantle the super power of the United States.
?Espionage.? 2000-2004. The War to End All Wars. Michael Duffy. Original Material. Primary Documents Online.
Sulick, Michael J.. Spying in America espionage from the Revolutionary War to the dawn of the Cold War., Georgetown University Press, 2012
‘The Sources of Soviet Conduct’ also known as the “X” article is an imperative document that are needed to understand United States foreign policy in the Cold War. Written by George F. Keenan, a U.S. diplomatic staff in the Soviet Union, the “X” article turned into an influential document after the U.S. realized that the Soviet Union would no longer be allies in peacetime and it was necessity to figure out the nature of the Soviet Union so the U.S. could form precise foreign policies to prevent Soviet threats. This paper attempts to assess the “X” article’s influence in U.S. foreign policy in the early days of the Cold War, especially its role in Truman’s doctrine.
New Article. 11th March 2014 -. SoRelle, Larry, Madaras and James. Unit 3: The Cold War and Beyond. McGraw-Hill, 2012.
For many Americans, the 1950s were a docile decade. In U.S. history books, the period is mostly portrayed as a mellow, orderly one, especially in light of the social upheavals that followed in the 1960s. But for the Central Intelligence Agency, the “I Like Ike” years were packed with adventure and action, much of it conducted outside of the public’s view. Few programs were sheltered with more secrecy than the Agency’s mind control experiments, identified together with the code-name MKULTRA.
Aldrich Ames was one of the most notorious spys in United States history, single handily crippling the United States spy network in the Soviet Union, and compromising hundreds of Intelligence Operations around the world. Ames’ impact on the national security of the United States was devastating and the ramifications of his actions can still be felt today in the Intelligence Community. This paper will provide details into the background and the events surrounding Ames’ espionage and subsequent arrest for treason.
New York: Oxford University Press, 2000. Gregory, Ross. A. Cold War America: 1946 to 1990. New York, NY: Facts on File, 2003. McQuaid, Kim.
Hammond, Thomas, Editor. Witnesses to the Origins of the Cold War. University of Washington Press. Seattle, 1982.
Kallen, Stuart A. Primary Sources: The Cold War. San Diego, CA: Lucent, 2003. Print. American War Library.
Soviet intelligence services went on watchful in 1981 to observe for US preparations for initiating a shocking nuclear hit against the USSR and it allies. This warning was escorted by a new Soviet intelligence collection program, known by the acronym RYAN, to observe signals and provide early warning of US target. Two years later a major war scare exploded in the USSR and this study traces the beginning and capacity of Operation RYAN, its relationship to the war scare and Reagan administration's strategic defense initiative (SDI) heightened Cold War tensions.
...ts, which were doing espionage missions, to other countries, which caused a big problem because they were then lacking “power” to “combat” the enemy devil. The KGB and the CIA did operate in similar ways and they never did work together during this time.
The alliance that had formed between two super powers, U.S and USSR during World War II was not strong enough to overcome the past decades of suspicion and unease between the two nations. Unwilling to compromise because of paranoia about their postwar national security created high tension atmosphere in U.S- Soviet Union’s relationship. This unstable partnership finally cracked due to the defeat of Nazi German: An unnatural alliance that was bound to fall apart after the defeat of the common enemy can be considered the origin of the Cold War.The Cold War had an enormous impact on the United States politically, socially, and economically including Red hunts, unconditionally fear of Communism and McCarthyism in the period 1940s-1950s, also shaped U.S.’s political agendas. This war ended as the reform programs introduced by Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev, which unexpectedly led to the collapse of Soviet Union. The...
The discovery of Klaus Fuchs’s espionage, more so than the news of Soviet nuclear test, marked the start of the Cold War and a worsening of Soviet-American relations. The case again raised the American public’s feelings against Communism. Similarly, it caused a cooling of Anglo-American relations, and dashed hopes of Britain to cooperate with America on nuclear projects in the future. In addition, Britain paid notice to the “incompetence which constitute the history of the British security” for the MI5 cleared Fuchs at least eight times. The British public asked in shock, “How did Dr. Fuchs, a confessed Communist, get away with it for seven years? Why did the tip that led to his arrest have to come from the United Stated Federal Bureau of Investigation rather than from the M. I. 5?” As result, “loud demands were being made today for a thorough overhaul of Britain’s security arrangements as a result of… the trial of Dr. Klaus Emil Julius Fuchs,” including a reorganization of “anti-espionage precautions at all the secret establishments,” an reexamination of “personal records of all the 3,000 persons employed at the atomic energy plants,” and doubts about “whether the policy of granting asylum to political refugees would be