The Rights of the Accused

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Over the past few decades the world has evolved and so has man kind. Humans have been existing on earth for a very long time. By a society we mean a place where many individuals live together. Society and people are dependent on each other and they cannot exist without the absence of the other. In a society there are many laws which are legal and as well as moral. These laws govern the people and they enforce required sanctions on people who violate any law in the society. By law we mean rules and regulations which the people are bound to follow and if they don’t then they will be punished. Law is one was by which order and peace is maintained in a society otherwise there would be absolute disturbance and chaos. In India before the British came religion was the only source of law, it was after their arrival when the law was codified in a proper manner. Our country got its independence in the year 1947 and the Constitution of India was adopted in the year 1950. Our Constitution is the ultimate and the supreme law of the land. There were also many legislations which were introduced by the British such as Transfer of Property Act, Indian Penal Code , Code of Criminal Procedure and many more, each of this Act applies to each and every citizen of India. The important purpose of criminal law is to safeguard civilization versus offenders and law-breaker. For this purpose the law holds out threats of penalty to forthcoming law-breakers as well as efforts to make the actual lawbreaker undergo the given penalty for the crimes done. Our law of criminal procedure is largely confined in the Code of Criminal Procedure 1973 which has come into force from 1st April 1974. It delivers the mechanism for the discovery of wrongdoing, apprehension ...

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...dentify that its main responsibility is not to chastise, but to entertain and transform the criminal and above all it would be evidently agreed that socialization is not indistinguishable with chastisement, for its includes deterrence, teaching, maintenance and reintegration within the agenda of communal defense. Thus, in the end we see that Rule of law controls the official of every structure of the state mechanism, comprising the agency answerable for leading prosecution and examination, which should restrain themselves within the four junctions of the law. Therefore, if a doctor handles his long-suffering individual as a human being and not as his customer or patron, he can release his responsibility more successfully. It operates to a lawyer, to a police officer and to any other occupation also.

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