The Responsibility Of Death Revealed In Sarah's Key

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In the novel, Sarah’s Key, the main character, Sarah, locked her brother in the cupboard to hide him from the French police. I believe that Sarah is definitely not responsible for her brother, Michel’s, death. The reason being that she is only a child and she did not know what was going to happen to herself and her family. She thought they were only leaving for a little bit and then she would be able to return back to her home to let Michel out of the cupboard. She never meant any harm by leaving him behind because she was only ten years old and no one knew exactly what was going on or why the French police were rounding up all the Jews. Sarah tried to be like her father and to make the right choices, so she thought he would be safer in the cupboard by himself, than being taken by the French police and the Germans. Hence, I feel that Sarah was only trying to protect him from the Germans, and was not responsible for his death. Because Michel was locked in the cupboard all by himself, I felt his suffering was more inhumane in the cupboard, rather than going to the internment camp with his family. I believe that Michel suffered more …show more content…

However, it was not her fault because she was only trying to protect him. Anyone would do the same because they would want them not to suffer, but she didn’t realize that they weren’t coming back for him. Also, the reason why I think that being alone is worse than going to the internment camp with family is because I couldn’t imagine being all alone without anyone to rely on. I would rather go to the internment camp because then at least I would have someone to comfort me and so I wouldn’t have to be trapped in a place with no escape or any hopes of survival. Thus, I think that Sarah was not responsible for her own brother’s death and that Michel died a worse death by being trapped in the cupboard

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