The Relevances Of Poetry: The Significance Of Modern Poetry

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T.S. Eliot once said “Poetry is not turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion; it is not the expression of personality. But, of course, only those who have personality and emotions know what it means to want to escape from these things.” The thing that makes poetry so meaningful is the fact that it involves all of life, every worry, every aspiration, and every feeling. If something has some immense significance to a person’s existence, then it has an immense significance in poetry as well. Modern poetry is significant to everyday life because it dares us to break free from the safe strategies of a discreet mind, enabling us to honor the unknown, both in us and in the world. In poetry, a small amount of words may contain a lot of intensity. Compression allows fewer words to have more power. Poems in its entirety can be just as plenary as stories, because the crucial aspects of the experience are still there. Several simple lines can draw in year’s worth of emotions and sensitivity. In all of time, poetry has been noted as valuable, not simply for amusement but as something pivotal to everyone's journey, something of rare value, and something which makes us feel exceptional for having and which we are spiritually empty without. Poetry use metaphors extensively, the poet uses one thing to describe another. For example, a metaphor would be “The hunter lurked like a lion preparing to attack.” The hunter is being compared to a lion.

Why poetry is so important
Poetry depends on the writers’ awareness, experiences, and observations, so everyone has the credentials needed to create poems. Poems express the senses it provides extended connections to the mind and feelings. At first, poetry might be specified as a language tha...

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...ealing manner. Some people just can’t see language as a work of art and graceful in itself. But all of these things are what makes poetry pleasurable for me. Poetry isn’t simple as ABC for everyone. Poetry exists to tell of significant experience cleverly and creatively, expanding our knowledge of the senses. Modern poetry is significant to everyday life because it dares us to break free from the safe strategies of a discreet mind, enabling us to honor the unknown, both in us and in the world. John Keating stated in “Dead Poets Society” “We don’t read and write poetry because it’s cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance and love these are what we stay alive for.”

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