The Relationship Between Pip and Abel Magwitch in Charles Dickens' Great Expectations

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The Relationship Between Pip and Abel Magwitch in Charles Dickens' Great Expectations In this essay, I am to observe the changes in the relationship between

Pip and the convict Abel Magwitch in chapters 1 and 39 by examining

aspects such as the settings around the two characters and their


I intend to focus on areas and themes such as the weather and how that

ties in with the relationship and actions of the two characters. I

will investigate how Dickens enhances the changes and similarities

between the chapters by analysing their reactions towards one another

and how that changes in both chapters.

The title of the novel is significant when considering the changes

that occur for Pip and the convict because it could reflect the

expectations that certain people have for him such as Miss. Havisham.

We may think this because we see that Miss Havisham pays a lot of

attention to Pip at the start of the play which leads him to believe

later in the play that she is the mysterious benefactor. It could also

reflect everyones expectations towards Pip so the expectations may not

be great but all of them together in a sense are great.

The expectations may be those Abel Magwitch as later in the play we

learn that he is the mysterious benefactor so he would have been

wondering how Pip is doing with the money he has given him and would

have exp...

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Once Pip finds out that Abel is the mysterious benefactor he is

shocked and angry as he thought it was Miss Havisham who was the

benefactor and he almost feels like a criminal himself as it is the

convict's money that he was receiving. This once again is quite rude

and shows how he sees working class people.

At this point the relationship between the two characters is different

from chapter 1 as Abel Magwitch is polite towards Pip and you could

think that he was his servant. Pip on the other hand is more like the

convict from chapter 1, being rude and mean. This shows that there is

a great contrast between the two chapters and that the characters

seemed to have "switched roles" and changed personalities.

They are similar however in the fact that they are both better off

monetarily and happier.

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