The Rational Optimist By Matt Ridley Summary

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Matt Ridley wrote The Rational Optimist to describe how people can sometimes be quick to judge that our present and future are not bright. People complain that they would rather live in the old days when things were “simpler” or more “tranquil” but really times were not either simple or tranquil, they were just in general worse. Ridley makes many arguments as to why people are better off now than they ever have been. In this essay I intend to explain the strong and weak points of Ridley’s excerpt, his reasoning for why he thinks humanity has prospered and my views on whether I am a rational optimist. Ridley points out many reasons why others should be rational optimists. One being that simply people are more likely to be alive longer today. …show more content…

Another point Ridley had was how we now save so much more time doing tasks than before. By saving time we save money and are much more efficient. Happiness is also a factor when assigning if we are doing better today. Ridley points out that people today are typically richer than they would have been in a previous era. We have achieved more equality than there has ever been. The IQ scores are closer and closer to the average because people are being given more and more equal opportunities. Happiness is not directly related to how rich someone is, but it is seen that people do associate being happy with having money. Less people are in poverty today than history has shown. Some weak points Ridley has is that he uses a very old scenario to explain that

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