The ROSA-E Strategy: Time Management And Study Skill

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Question 1 Problem Solving The problem solving is the area of cognitive psychology that studies the processes involved in solving problems. There are many way that can use to solve a problem such using ROSA-E Strategy. The ROSA-E Strategy is method that could be using for problem analysis purpose , it can might help you find the solution to solve your problem. The problem that I want to use in ROSA-E Strategy is about Time Management and Study Skill. 1. Orientation(Prepare) As a student, you should schedule appropriate times for study , student also should structure location to studying. An environment is tailored to individual needs and preferences student learning efficiency. The reason that why time management is important is because student …show more content…

Procrastination is remotely related to time management , which is why very detailed schedules usually are no help. In the simple language procrastination is the thief of time. There is the wisely people say : “Procrastination is The Art of Keeping Up with Yesterday” -DON MARQIUS- “Procrastination is The Thief of Time”-EDWARD YOUNG- “Never Put Off Till Tomorrow What You Can Do The Day After Tomorrow Just As Well”-MARK TWAIN- 1.Self- Downing This is happens when you continually minimize your own skills and abilities and express doubt about your ability to succeed. A person habitually puts self down tends to disbelieve self even when they is successful. It was “just dumb luck.” In addition, they may also find it hard to accept praise and compliments for work performed . The trouble with self-downing is person given a long enough time to come believe that they is incapable of certain levels of achievement. Self-downing results in procrastination because the person is uncomfortable with success will seek ways to become less successful and less visible. Turn in that important quarterly report late, and soon success will …show more content…

This is will often withhold our best efforts. For example, we are upset with a professor , of course we are likely to delay in starting a demanding project as a way of getting even. How to resolve the procrastination is determine that we are the one is feeling upset and see our actions will harm you in long

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