The Pursuit Of Happiness In The United States

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Here in the United States you have the right to pursuit happiness no matter who you are. If having a family makes you happy then we have no right to say you can’t just because you are attracted to the same sex. Everybody has rights as a human so what makes Gay people different? Nothing, because as I learn from the survey I took that a human is “... living people, anyone who breaths, species that was created in god’s image and anything that is not a animal or an alien”(Bell). One of the rights we have is the pursuit of happiness they deserve to be able to have a family because they are just like every other parent, it isn't harming anyone and it removes children from the system. Most parents no matter who they are they want their children …show more content…

I think this especially since Goldberg says in Children of Lesbian and Gay Parents Are Not More Likely to Have Problems “They're much more likely to be tolerant, to encourage, for example, their children to play with a wider range of toys—to encourage a girl to play with both dolls and trucks.”(Wilson). If you are tolerant, then more or less your children will be tolerant from learning it from you. Of course not all children are going to be open minded because of just this, but some will because they will see the struggles that their parents go through and not want to make others go through that. They will want to make it better for the other gay people like their parents, who want to have a family. Other than the children feel more open minded they might as well feel more freedom in being who they are no matter who is trying to tell them differently. It is good not only to open minded to others as well as yourself. When you are not open minded to yourself , then you just might make the biggest mistake of your …show more content…

Which is in turn helping lower the amount of foster kids that are in the system.There are a ton of children would love to have a loving family to care for them. The only thing standing in between them and a good home is the fact that the people are too harsh on gay people adopting. A good example of this is quoted by Matt Coles in the article ACLU Disappointed the Supreme Court Will Not Hear an Appeal in Case Challenging Florida's Anti-Gay Adoption Law “ more than 8,000 children in Florida foster care,”(ACLU). As I have said previously that them are not going to harm them because they want what is best for them. If we were to prevent gay from adopting, there would be mass amount of children that would not be adopted. Other than that in the Article Gay Adoption Serves the Best Interests of Children that the CWLA Standards for Adoption Service Providers says “All applicants shall be fairly assessed on their abilities to successfully parent a child needing family membership and not on their appearance, differing lifestyle, or sexual preference”(Minter). So why is the government and others, so against them adopting? I think it has more to do with them being super opinionated people that can not accept maybe they are

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