The Psychometric Test and the Employee Selection Process
Most employers want the ‘perfect fit’ for any position vacant for
recruitment. They always tend to want the best man suitable for the
job, technically and interpersonally. The common ways of recruiting an
employee is by application forms, curriculum vitae, and interviewing
sessions. Most candidates are polite at interviews just to put across
a good impression to the interviewer. Just interviewing someone is
not enough to know if you have the right person for the job. Ability
can be relatively easy to assess through interviewing and skills
testing. Testing interpersonal skills is another issue. To reduce the
risk of hiring the wrong person, the use of psychometric testing has
been adopted by more and more organisations to increase the validity
and reliability of the recruitment process.
Psychometrics is the application of the objective, scientific
measurement and mathematics to psychology. It refers top the testing
of cognitive of mental functions and personality and the analysis of
result. The psychometric test covers a lot of tests used to assess a
characters strength or weakness providing accurate profiles of the
suitability for a position. “Psychometric” means measurement of the
mind. The Psychometric test is a way of assessing an individual’s
ability or personality in a measured and structured way. Also, a
psychometric test could be said to be any standardized procedure for
measuring sensitivity or memory, or intelligence or aptitude as well
as personality. Psychometric tests are one measure by which an
employer can discriminate against individuals in the selection
process. The tests are often presented in a multiple guess form,
either paper or electronically based. There are two types of the
psychometric test. They include:
. Aptitude/Skills Test- This depends on the nature of the job that
has been applied for. This type of test could be numerical or verbal
reasoning, spatial awareness or diagrammatic reasoning. They are
often time constrained.
. Personal Questionnaire- this type of test is used to access the
certain personal qualities required of the candidate.
Psychometric testing does have real value to add to the selection
process. However, it is not limited to the recruitment phase. Many
organisations have seen the benefit of psychometri...
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...ers for the questions.
. As the assessment is not a 100% accurate, there may be little or no
correlation between the candidate’s answers and the way he carries out
the job.
In conclusion, Psychometric test is versatile and can be used as an
aid for personnel selection and recruitment, career guidance, career
development, team building and personal development. Psychometric
test is used by a vast number of large and small companies who
appreciate its cost effectiveness when compared to the hard soft and
human cost of selection errors. Psychometric tests, although a useful
selection tool to implement, have many flaws and in order to be valid
must be carried out in a strict and controlled manner in order for an
organisation to make the right choice when seeking to recruit an
individual into an organisational role.
Research now shows that, in comparison with selection by normal
interviewing techniques, the use of supporting psychometric testing
can significantly improve the match between the individuals and the
The growing use of psychometric testing in selection and assessment
has to some extent outpaced the level of sophistication and knowledge.
From the above test I undertook, it is evident that I incline more to being an extrovert than an introvert. Even though I strongly disagree with the fact that my emotional intelligence is low, as per the results, I think the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test was unbiased and precise. This can be proven from my personality class, which is EFNJ.
There are two basic psychometric properties, validity and reliability that have been used to evaluate the quality of scale development. Psychometric testing used to evaluate the quality of instrument (Polit& Beck, 2010).
This however is not always the case as many studies have failed to validate these systems, some revealing poor sensitivity, poor positive predictive value and low reproducibility (Gao et al 2007; Smith et al 2008; Subbe et al 2007; Jansen et al 2010).
The Myers and Briggs Analysis is a series of questions that when answered are examined and grouped together in order to determine the personalities of those taking this test. This particular test can result in sixteen different outcomes or types of personalities, which is determined by four different categories that judge if you are introverted or extroverted, use your senses or your intuition, your choice to think or use your feelings, and finally if you are judgmental or perceptive. These series of questions are designed to judge our personalities and help us to determine which career pathways we will be most suited for based on our personality traits and abilities to work well with others, which is important for our future decisions.
Car enthusiasts are constantly debating about what a good car consists of and what is best for the environment. Some people say that electric is the future because it saves money
The car ride was always the longest but we all knew it was worth it. We arrived at the campsite ready to finally get out of the small compacted car. We unpacked everything and still had time to go hangout around the campsite before the sun went down so my brother and I went fishing while my sister and mom went down to the playground. When we got back the second family had arrived.
Utility of assessment. Why are these types of personality assessments useful? Did you find the results useful? Why or why not?
The four-letter type and temperament traits are measured by the Myers Briggs Personality Assessment. The assessment is a list of questions that is rated to determine your personality traits. This paper will discuss the validity of my four-letter type and temperament traits according to the Myers Briggs Personality Assessment. I will discuss each letter of my personality type and how they work together. There are different weaknesses that exist with each personality trait. We can use our personality traits to improve our overall performance on a day to day basis, as well as within our work life. The terminology used to describe each type and temperament is very broad and vague, resulting in a greater chance for people to conform and believe
Romeo and Juliet is one of William Shakespeare’s most famous writing pieces that have made an influence on modern society and its culture. It is a tragedy story of two ‘star-crossed’ lovers and their families engaging a long feud between each other as the general audience or other characters watch the relentless quarrel. This text has become a general studying piece in literature for secondary students due to its popular themes containing love, revenge, rebellion and fate. The characters are a major element to Shakespeare’s story as they lead the events and outcomes of their own life. As the story focuses on the lovers, Romeo and Juliet’s characters make alternate changes to themselves later on. However Juliet is a persona who undergoes a
In today’s highly competitive job market it is extremely challenging and important for businesses to fill a vacancy with the right candidate (Cann, 2013). Due to high demand of potential candidates, developing a portfolio of employability skills which include psychometric testing is considered important in every workplace (Mills et al., 2011). Thus, I recently took three practice psychometric tests on verbal, numerical and inductive/logical reasoning. This essay is a reflection of my personal experience of psychometric testing. First, I will talk about what the literature comments on in relation to the strengths and weaknesses of psychometric testing. Then, I will assess whether literature reflects
Pollution is one of the biggest issues facing the global community today, and has been a critical issue over the past few decades. Apart from factories spewing tons of carbon waste into the atmosphere, cars are the worst culprits in spreading pollution. Gasoline-powered motor vehicles in particular have been strongly criticized by environmentalists due to the extent of their damage to the environment. Electric cars have been discussed and recommended as potentially lasting solutions to this solution, but the question still remains as to whether they are viable for use in society. However, despite objections concerning their viability from sections of the global community, it is evident that electric-powered vehicles are indeed an effective
On the news and all over the world you hear the term human trafficking. What exactly is human trafficking? “Human trafficking is essentially modern-day slave trading, which ensnares millions of people in debt bondage or forced conditions.” (Siddharth).As many know today human trafficking has become a phenomenon all over the country. Human Trafficking is a global activity where women and young girls are being traded and used as sexual exploitation. As Siddharth stated that human trafficking is slowly becoming one of the most involved criminal activities all over the world. Two causes and two effects on how strongly our human beings are encouraged to take action.
Electric cars were recently introduced to the auto world. They are very fuel efficient while still having all the practicalities of a regular car. They are quiet and have zero emissions. They also are cheaper to maintain and cheaper to own then a gas powered car. Even though car enthusiasts dislike the idea of going fully electric, it is a very conscientious choice. Electric cars might seem like a useless form of transportation, but they offer features that help keep the Earth clean.
On the 15th of May, 3013 an article was featured in Fortune Magazine that was titled “Have we all been duped by the Myers-Briggs Test?” The Myers-Briggs Test or the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a personality assessment test created by Katherine Briggs & her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers, based on psychologist Carl Jung’s type theory. Jung’s theory focused on the cognitive aspects of personality and classified people into types based on how they performed two functions: Taking in information (perception) and making decisions. People perceive things either through their senses or through their intuitions (Sensing V/s Intuition) and they make decisions either through logic and reason or based purely on their emotions (Thinking V/s Feeling).
"The great gift of family life is to be intimately acquainted with people you might never even introduce yourself to, had life not done it for you." -Kendall Hailey. Many people among us think that a family reunion is boring. It is an unpleasant social affair where our parents drive us to go and stay there for a considerable length of time. There are odd individuals who come to us and kiss or embrace us while we are still considering "do I know him/her?”. It is because we believe that enjoying the holiday out with friends is much better than investing hours with the people, we “unfortunately” belong to. They have no other subject for discussion aside from our studies and grades. On the other hand, family gathering is always a new experience for someone who lives far away from his blood relations.