The Pros and Cons of Xenotransplantation: Organ Donations

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The topic I would like to talk about today is called xenotransplantation. If you haven’t ever heard about xenotransplantation that’s okay, a lot of people haven’t. As you know many of the people who need organ donations need them because of new and old health issues. The worldwide demand for organs far surpasses the supply. A study done by the United Network for Organ Sharing in 2004 found that over one hundred thousand patients could have benefited from an organ transplant but only twenty-nine thousand were available. In the United States alone seventeen patients die each and every day while on the waiting list to receive a donor organ. Scientists have been trying to find a solution for the lack of donated organs. One solution they came up with is xenotransplantation. Xenotransplantation is where they put an organ from one species into the body of a second species. In this case it would be animal to human. The most common animal they would use would be a Pig. This sounds simple right? Well its not as easy as it seems. You have to make it so that the body of the recipient does not reject the new and foreign organ. Besides that you have to worry about diseases, it not working properly and over all, the recipient dying. It is a really great idea and scientists are doing research to make it possible, but as of right now it’s just not safe enough.
Xenotransplantation if ever pronounced safe as a working practice would be an unbelievably huge step in our medical science. It would swing doors open that we have previously been afraid of opening. In the future if xenotransplantation is successful it is expected to be enormously profitable. So successful it could receive a Nobel prize for its inventor. So you may...

... middle of paper ... a great accomplishment it we tied up all of the loose ends and figured out how to make it work I just don’t think its the best choice. Maybe in the future we will know more about stem cells and be able to create an organ out of stem cells! That would probably also be really expensive but at least it would not have any where near the amount of risks that xenotransplantation has. I hope that you learned something you didn’t know in this essay and you can form your own opinion on what you think is right.

Works Cited

Purdy, Laura, and Ololade Olakanmi. "Xenotransplantation: For and Against." Philosophy Now. N.p., n.d.
Web. 04 Jan. 2014. .

Samdani, Tushar. "Xenotransplantation ." Xenotransplantation. Medscape, n.d. Web. 04 Jan. 2014. .

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