The Pros And Cons Of The Soviet Union

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On December 26th 1991, presidents of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine signed the Belavezha Accords, effectively ending the existence of the Soviet Union. Since then, questions of whether the Soviet Union had been reformable and thus worth saving have been raised. Detractors of the Soviet Union claim the intrinsic irreformable nature of the Soviet Union as being the reason for which the USSR folded on itself without much of a struggle. However, defenders of the USSR say that not only was the USSR reformable, but that it had already begun to reform itself under Gorbachov, before President Yeltsin signed the Union’s death warrant. The USSR under Gorbachov and Russia, first under Yeltsin and then under Putin provide evidence of a slow but definite move away from many of the pillars of the Soviet Union. These developments are in the broad areas of governmental ideology, economic systems and the party’s dictatorship and authoritarian control. While addressing these main ideas, it is important to acknowledge that reformation and development does not necessarily imply a shift toward Western systems, rather is a move to a system that works effectively in the nation being studied, here immediately pre dissolution USSR and Russia since that time. Marvin Kalb says that irrefutable proof of Russia’s
This is supported by the fact that all of Gorbachev’s reforms were voted into law by all the nation’s political apparatus like the politburo, the Central Committee and the two congresses who voluntarily reduced their own powers and created a democratic avenue of appointment to these bodies. The nation’s administrative apparatus took its cues from Gorbachev and was moving without too much opposition towards a free-er more democratic

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