The Pros And Cons Of The Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act

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The Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act has taken over schools nationwide and needs to be stopped. There are more negatives than positives that go along with this act and there needs to be an end. Schools should not have to waste money on expensive food to have it not be eaten. Students should be able to enjoy what the lunchroom has to offer. The students do not buy these lunches so the food goes to waste. In 2012, when the Healthy Hunger Free-Kids Act was made students stopped eating their school lunches and schools began to lose great amounts money. It 's beneficial to encourage healthy eating habits with schools but this act needs to be reformed.
Schools are spending too much money with this program that could be spent on other benefits for schools. Rather than using the money to get students new technology or property it 's wasted on a lunch program that students do not enjoy nor want to purchase. In the Article, “School Lunch Food is Not Fresh, Students Say” Journalist Audrey Levine interviews high school students about they feel about their school lunches. “It’s way too expensive now, but I’m still buying,” said senior Stephanie Huang. “And I don’t think more people are bringing lunch because …show more content…

If schools were to encourage healthy eating by serving a more variety of foods students would learn to like healthy eating. In the study done by Julianna Cecere she asked students through the social media app Twitter to tweet her their opinions on their school lunches and most of them were not in favor of them. One Student tweeted: “@KQEDedspace To make school lunches more appealing we need flavorful yet healthy foods. Things that are home grown, not canned. #DoNowLunch” (Cecere, 2014) Students want to have better eating habits and it 's best to teach them at a young age so they grown up to live a healthy lifestyle and live longer but not when the food is canned and not

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