The Pros And Cons Of Stand Your Ground Laws

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Stand-your-ground laws state that an individual has no duty to retreat from any place they have lawful right to be, and may use any level of force, including lethal, if they reasonably believe they face an imminent and immediate threat of serious bodily harm or death. This laws are an extension of the“Castle Doctrine,” an established legal principle which says that a person is protected under the law to use deadly force in self-defense when his or her property or home is being invaded. More than 30 states in the U.S. have adopted some form of “Castle doctrine” or “stand your ground” laws on their books.

Stan your ground laws and the castle doctrine have been supported by many groups, because they argue that this allows citizens to protect their family, home or property without the fear that they will be persecuted for their actions.

However this laws have sparked a lot of controversy since they were passed in 2005. Many saying that this gives people a license to kill. One of the most famous cases that initiated this controversy is the shooting of Trayvon Martin in Florida. Who was shot by George Zimmerman, an armed neighborhood watch patrolman, who shot and killed the unarmed Martin after pursuing him. Although Zimmerman …show more content…

The law's critics argue that Florida's law makes it very difficult to prosecute cases against people who shoot others and then claim self-defense. The shooter can argue that he felt threatened, without there being any threat, and in most cases, the only witness who could have argued otherwise is the deceased. Before passage of the law, Miami police chief John F. Timoney called the law unnecessary and dangerous in that "whether it's trick-or-treaters or kids playing in the yard of someone who doesn't want them there or some drunk guy stumbling into the wrong house, you're encouraging people to possibly use deadly physical force where it shouldn't be

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