The Pros And Cons Of Special Education

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Chapter six states that students with disabilities have a tougher time finishing their education rather than non-disability students. Another problem encountered in the classrooms is the teacher not letting the students have a voice especially when you expect them to follow the rules and daily routine. That type of teaching is called sham inquiry which does not educate the kids but just to keep them busy. Besides the sham inquiry there are different reasons for including students in regular classrooms one it’s expensive to have separate classroom and changes the instruction. People think that special education is very unique and only qualified individuals should teach those students but that’s not true. There are a variety of disabilities that …show more content…

William Johnson begins discussing how teaching special ed. students are a huge task already without adding all the new requirements from the school. The school system is constantly changing and dealing with new problems which than affects the teachers job. You become labeled a bad teacher all because you cannot handle the added problems in your classroom. On top of that there is constant miscommunication between the principal and vice principal as to how you should teach your students. As a teacher you get so caught up in trying to do what they recommend that the students come second which than creates a passive learning environment. When that happens your students will let you know which they are very judgmental especially with your overall appearance as a professional. Even being labeled a good teacher you face obstacles like any other teacher but if you the teacher were to teach in a new and exciting environment you will have different results …show more content…

Freire states (2000), without dialogue there is no commitment, and without communication there can be no true education (p. 92). Constructivist teaching is based on the belief that learning occurs as learners are actively involved in a process of meaning and knowledge construction as opposed to passively receiving information. Learners are the makers of meaning and knowledge. Without that dialogue learning is meaningless you are just filling an empty vessel. True learning is an open dialogue of debating back in forth about the topic and that creates a deeper

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