The Pros And Cons Of Prison Reform

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The American public would like to see some type of reform within the state prisons. These reforms should include programs that are geared toward rehabilitation, programs that will enhance the offender’s behavior, attitude, and give them options of new ways of living outside the walls of the prison. The mission of these prisons focus should include adequate health care, better security, and sentencing programs that would mandate each offender to participate in programs. The American society, prisons, and jails all have undergone changes. Although prisons will state their goal is to reform and rehabilitate these goals are rarely governed by the prison administration. The public has worries about those reentering back into society, whether they will repeat the same crime or commit new crimes, did they learn any kind of tools that will help them become productive once they are in society. The public places a great deal of expectation on the correctional system to help keep streets safer and crime rates down, so the focus has and continues to be tough on sentencing and strict incarceration. Many states face the problem of reentry by inmates back into society, most have no structure, they must learn living skills, many will have no home to go to, many have no skills to prepare them for the workforce, …show more content…

The correctional system, as well as the criminal justice system, must begin the process of looking at the inmate's reentry into society as part of the sentencing, these administrators must look at the fact that most offenders will serve a lengthy sentence and they have forgotten about what will happen once these offenders become part of society again. The department of corrections main goals have been on retribution, deterrence, incapacitation, and rehabilitation, these goals have received levels of support by the public and

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