The Pros And Cons Of Pollution

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Pollution is a major problem in the world today and is happening all around us. Pollution is a substance that not only harms the environment but also leaves and effect on plants, animals and human and even non-living things. Pollution is caused by a variety of things especially by Companies. But should Companies be held responsible for the pollution that produces? Companies should be held responsible because they cause water pollutions, noise pollution and air pollution.
One of the pollutants companies cause is water pollution. Water pollution is the impurity of water by chemicals, pathogens and other elements that make water undrinkable. Companies such as Industrial plants are producing more than half of the united states water pollution because when their water sources take away all of the industrial wastes from the manufacturing facilities, they often carry the wastes into waterways and streams which then spread the pollutants into a much bigger area and flow into oceans and rivers. ” More than 40 percent of America’s lakes, rivers, and estuaries were too polluted for drinkin...

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