Intolerance: A Continuing Rupture in Society

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is an idea that comes in many forms, and has been around for quite some time. Although many realize all forms of intolerance are wrong and unjustified, many have taken the example of our past mistakes and carried on with hate. In times now, though, people do not need an entire army or following of people to show intolerance. Many of the narrow-minded, prejudiced intolerants have decided to carry out their hatful ideas on their own. People such as these have caused a rupture in society, creating fear and panic through all. No matter who someone is, people who do not grasp the concept of tolerating everyone for who they are may have something against them. Not only can this be dangerous, but it can relate back to past mistakes- horrible ones. …show more content…

A big part of intolerance still widely seen today is racism. Racism is the hatred toward any certain race, for unfounded reasons. Racists see people only race-deep, and will automatically hate a certain person based on the first thing they see. Racism in today’s day and age is often destructive, treacherous, and brutal. An event of racism that shocked the entire world was the Charleston shooting in 2015. A white male entered a black church, and started firing. His reasons were primarily based on only racism. Taking example of one of the cruelest acts in history, racism and intolerance are certainly related to Anne Frank’s menacing ordeal. All types of intolerance are different, but they all have the same effect on most of society. Many people do not know how to react, and are left bewildered. A recent event …show more content…

Hitler and racists alike both carry an overwhelming sense of hatred and cruelty towards many people whom they do not even know. A specific event of racism in relation to the Nazi era was the Charleston hate crime on June 29, 2015. Blaring in headlines all over, “The world is in mourning after the horrific murder of nine innocent people in Charleston (“Nine Killed in Charleston Hate Crime” 1).” Similar to Hitler, out of hatred and intolerance, this man thought he was superior to another race, and carried out unforgivable actions. This event shocked the world. Racism is an idea many people know of, but many never expect such a tragedy to occur. Another shocking similarity between the two intolerants was that many people had difficulty understanding the racism underlying. Most followed along blindly, not knowing what they were getting themselves into. Many Germans, Jews, and people around the world alike were in blatant shock that someone would do something so cruel. Many had no clue how to react. In today’s society, people still do not know how to react. We see stuff like this happen constantly, but no one really understands what to do or say. Examples such as this show how far we as a society still need to come in order to overcome

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