The Pros And Cons Of Industrial Farming

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Around the world, incessant debate swells over the matter of industrial farming. Today, arguments over organic versus industrial farming are analogous to a salmon swimming downstream in a murky nitrogen runoff stream – it’s stalled, hazardous, and rather convoluted. From meticulous inspection of the facts, one realizes that both sides’ arguments can often overlap and contradict each other, often with disputable claims backing up certain viewpoints. In this regard, David Biello, associate editor of Scientific American, argues that in developing countries, industrial farming is preferable to organic farming in developing countries because it is more suitable and safe. However, Biello fails to address industrial farming’s most dangerous and deadly aspect – pesticides. The effects of pesticides are so dire that it is nearly impossible to suggest that industrial farming is more innocuous and suitable for third world countries. As Biello deliberates in his essay, “Will Organic Food Fail to Feed the World”, organic farming is difficult to practice, while applying conventional farming will fit more seamlessly in third world countries. “Organic farming”, he notes, “is a …show more content…

If preventive measures are not sufficient, “insecticides derived from natural plant extracts, natural soap or minerals or plant extracts such as neem, lemon grass, garlic, ginger and many more can be applied” (NP Agricultural Service and Partners Report, 36). Cotton farmers in Benin, for example, show that cotton can be grown without chemical pesticides, notably endosulfan (NP Agricultral Service and Partners Report, 37). Practices that can all be successful include encouraging natural predators, selecting resistant varieties, planting early maturing varieties which reduce the risk of pest attacks, use of rotation and trap crops and the use of food sprays for predators to improve the balance between useful insects and pests. (WHO,

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