The Pros And Cons Of Crime

798 Words2 Pages

In the simplest form, crime is an illegal action which the societies do not support and government punishes for. Crimes and the criminal justice system are witnessed by society every evening newscast, and in every newspaper. The answer to crime seems to be more punishment, more security and, of course, more prisons. To deal with crime, the best way is imprisonment because prisons have many missions such as; punishment, deterrence and rehabilitation and also do a lot to solve the crime problems by using these missions. Therefore, to keep criminals away from society, prisons serve an essential role.

Some people support the idea that the prison system should be removed. They believe prisons are not a solution for crimes; therefore, they claim that instead of imprisonment, rehabilitation centers which are used to teach how to live a more satisfying life should be used. Also, they say that inmates can be deprived of some rights like working on governmental security and some rights of liberty. However, their opinion on this issue is insufficient, as this solution is not very effective. The reason is that rehabilitation can not work for some people who are a threat to society. Pollock (2006), in his book ‘Prisons Today and Tomorrow’ points out that panaceas do not exist, and no treatment modality or approach will be successful with all offenders because treatment programs are only one part of the prisoner’s life (p.183). As Pollock stated, rehabilitation can not effective on everybody. It may be dependent on the felon’s psychology because some inmates like to victimize other people. For instance, zodiac killer, a serial killer, who operated in California, took responsibility for murdering as many as thirty seven people. He sai...

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.... Also, by being away from prisoners’ friends and family members, they may learn the value of the family. Towl (2003) stated that prison presents opportunities to improve prisoners’ abilities to serve as productive members of their families once they are released (p.149). Prisoners live away from society and family or friends’ supports and also lack of communication, so they learn the value of social life. As a result, the atmosphere of prisons has social effect and psychological effects on offenders.
All in all, prisons are places where criminals are kept as a punishment for the illegal acts they committed. Even some people say they are not necessary and other institutions should be used in their place, prisons violent criminals away from the society, and have a powerful deterrent effect on prisoners. Therefore, they serve an essential role and should remain.

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