Assisted Suicide: A Controversial yet Compassionate Choice

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Imagine a scenario where you’re in tremendous pain and you want to end the pain before death comes over you. Even if you wanted to make that choice, the government of the United States has already made this choice for you by illegalizing what is called assisted suicide. There are 3 different kinds of suicide involving the assistance of others; assisted suicide, euthanasia and passive euthanasia, and mercy killing, these came to be a hot topic during the 1990s when doctors and nurses started going to jail because of helping their patients kill themselves, not for financial gain but because it was the humane and just thing to do(Ackerman). As a human we are given the right to life as an infant, so shouldn’t by default we be given the right to die? Assisted suicide should be legal for many reasons, because of our freedoms and liberties, to lessen the amount of end of life pain and to save money. Assisted suicide should be legal in the …show more content…

People around the world are able to choose when they want to die but in a nation that prides itself on having personal freedoms that choice has already been made for you. The laws in the United States not only encourage unprofessional behavior by doctors and nurses to help patients achieve what they want, but it breeds the feeling that assisted suicide is a taboo topic of discussion. Assisted suicide is legal in only two states in the United States, Oregon and Vermont (Rogatz 39). If it’s legal in two states then why is it illegal in the other forty eight? It should be a federal law that makes it legal in all 50 states so that people who want the option of ending the pain don’t have to spend money and valuable end of life time on moving to a hospital in a different state that does allow assisted suicide. Citizens in Switzerland, Germany, and Denmark have the right to die

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