The Pros And Cons Of Alternative Sentencing

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Historically speaking, prisons and jails were not meant as a means of punishment, but rather a holding cell to confine the accused until his/her punishment was arranged and administered. As we can see, the modern criminal justice and penal system has evolved considerably from the initial purpose of temporary confinement to a means of removing an offender from society to deliver rehabilitation and structure through confinement so that the offender may integrate back into society as well-functioning law abiding citizen. It appears however, that all too often offenders are sent to prison and forgotten about until their release day, completely by-passing any rehabilitation programs or efforts. This is likely a reason behind the United States of …show more content…

According to an article on, advocates for alternative sentencing programs believe that these programs provide a cheaper way of dealing with the already overcrowded prison system, and in some cases, the alternative punishment may be more appropriate for offenders convicted of petty crime or first time offenders of non-violent crimes. More blatantly put, “Alternative sentences allow a middle ground and create a continuum of punishments that is responsive to a range of criminality. For this reason, alternative sentences are sometimes referred to as intermediate or middle-range sanctions.” (Czajkowski, 2017) It is because of these reasons in addition to the current population of the U.S. prison system, that we see alternative sentencing programs being used more often than not. With that said, I would like to discuss several different programs that have proven to be successful rehabilitative alternatives to incarceration, these being: court ordered community service, mental-health courts, drug-courts, fines, restitution, and

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