The Pros And Cons Of Abortion

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Over the years, it seems like abortion has had extreme debates on whether it should be legal or not. Abortion is the removal of a baby before it is born. Some people may call the removal of the baby murder. These types of people are called pro-life people because they believe everyone has a right to life no matter the situation. On the other had other people such as myself feel that abortion is a personal right and that it should continue to be legal. These types of people are called pro-choice because they believe that everyone has rights to choices no matter what society and the government thinks. There are multiple reasons why many women have abortions. Whatever the reason any woman feels she should have an abortion should be her legal right to make that decision. I personally wouldn’t agree with a former abortion method called infanticide because in that method the baby was killed directly …show more content…

Supreme Court decided to legalize abortion throughout the country. Before that day abortion was illegal in almost all states. Woman then had a constitutional right to get an abortion no matter the reason anytime during the pregnancy. The Women’s Rights movement was designed to make sure women were entitled to an opinion and was treated equally in society but how are women treated equally if they can’t have a choice to remove something out of their life that is unwanted? Equality means that everybody is entitled to a right without discrimination no matter what it is. Many women become pregnant and the baby is unwanted. Majority don’t have the money to survive while raising a child and many can’t provide the love needed to raise a child. A lot of these children often grow up in poor environments which decreases their chances of better possibility to have a brighter future socially and economically. This is why I believe abortion should continue to be legal. Minimum suffering for many children and minimum suffering for many

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