The Problem of Drinking in Our Society

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The Problem of Drinking in Our Society On a recent learning channel special alcohol was introduced as being

extremely hazardous and sometimes fatal when used irresponsibly.

Alcoholism is a disease classified as the need for alcohol that

affects over 8.1 million Americans. Twenty percent of all suicide

victims are alcoholics. Excessive drinkers who are not alcoholics risk

suffering from long-term health conditions, such as liver failure,

which often require hospitalization and transplantation, and can

result in death. Even consumers that think they are not in danger of

the above conditions are still susceptible to the accidents that occur

more frequently when alcohol is involved due to the drug interfering

with the judgment skills within the brain. Over 16,000 unnecessary

deaths each year are caused by intoxicated drivers. When pregnant

mothers drink alcohol they risk Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Fetal Alcohol

Effects, and other birth defects including intellectual impairment,

and behavioral problems that lead to life-long physical and metal

problems. On top of this, offenders in thirty-seven percent of rapes

and sexual assaults, fifteen percent of robberies, and twenty-seven

percent of aggravated assaults were drunk when they committed the

crime. Alcohol contributes to 100,000 avoidable deaths each year.

There are three main points that people may argue: moderate alcohol

consumption is actually beneficial to ones health, it is traditional

that alcohol has been produced for over 12,000 years for religious and

celebratory purposes, and it is natural that beer and wine are made


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...but how. Excessive drinking is the cause of the

alcohol-related problems in our society. Not moderate drinking.

Drinking in responsible moderation is healthful, traditional, and

cultural. I will argue that young adults should be allowed to drink in

certain environments such as restaurants, taverns, and pubs. In these

situations, where mature and sensible alcohol consumption would be

expected, responsible alcohol consumption could be taught through role

modeling and educational programs. Supporting this is the belief that

when underage kids have the opportunity to drink they do so in an

irresponsible manner because drinking by these kids is seen as

rebellion and a symbol of assumed adulthood. Instead of the

prohibition of alcohol consumption, alcohol opposers should focus on

supporting moderate and responsible drinking.

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