The Positive Effects Of Television's Impact On Human Lives

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Improvement in technologies has an impact on human lives. The consequence of television has improved nowadays. Television has both the negative and positive impacts. The negative consequences are more when compared to positive. Watching television for prolonged time causes many impacts on the human and their health. It has a significant impact on young people than adults because they are the people who watch TV more. Commentator of television state that TV grabs much of our free time hence there won’t be time for other activities like reading, exercising, family conversations, going out with friends, etc. Channels and technologies have increased in greater level in the television. That affects the children and distracts …show more content…

Television has both the negative and the positive impacts. As a refutation this argument states the positive impacts on television. In that aspect the television is not only for the purpose of entertainment but also for the purpose of increasing our inner most feeling of humanity on other people. It also provides us with the knowledge of the world and its happenings through news. It helps in relieving our stress from the daily activities. There are many reality programs and games which makes our mind stress free watching on it. Many such reality shows helps us to show off our talents. It also develops the ordinary person’s skills. There are many dance classes; cookery classes etc are shown on the television which makes us improve our skills. The advertisements that are telecasted on the television make us to know about the products better and some of the commercial advertisements improve the humanity. Likewise there are many advantages on watching television. It depends on the person who uses it in a right way. …show more content…

It's negative, and the positive impact is based on the people who are watching and the time they spent. Spending much time on the particular show makes them addicted to it and if they couldn’t watch that at the right time they will become mad on that. The argument one and the argument two both state the impacts on television, especially in youth and children. A study also states that watching television for a long time reduces our memory power. It is not advised not to watch television it is asked to involve on it much. (english-online,

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