The Plague Dbq Essay

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Plague originated in China in the 1330s. At first rats and fleas carried out the plague. In 1347 the plague hits the Europe after the Eurpoean merchants returns from the Black Sea. Hunderds and thousands people died within couple days, in four years Europe’s population almost wiped out by third. Jews and people were blamed for the plague. Europeans believe Jews put the poision on the wells caused the disease. Jacob von Koningshofen(1346-14200) was a scolar who visually described the event. As well as couple other historia named F. Closener were present in the incident. Jews were toutured in Ben and Zofingen where Jews admitted they put the poision in the wells. People actually found poision on the wells. Thus Jews people were burnt in many towns and wrote an affair to Strasbog, Freidug, and Basel to burn Jews people(document1). The statement presented were not backed by proof the governmrnt was dennying their affair but, the citizens of Basel were marching telling council to burn all Jews. In 1493 Nurembeg Chronicle stated the Jews were being burned alive. Lack of eduaction and the techlology people usually blame on low profile people for any misconduct in the society. On the other hand people believe the wells, ponds and rivers are created by god and any misconduct can lead everyone …show more content…

Since, Jews were blamed for putting the poision they were charged with the crim. In many parts of Germany where Jews lived were slauhtered by Christans. Hunderds and thousands were burned every day. In document 2 it also said that the poision in the wells can’t be actual cause of the plague. There were oterh cause like caused by god for corrupt and ivil persons. In 1349 German people believe it was caused by god so they were tourchering them among the societies. They marched in the town for thirty three days. People were being tourchered to control the plague but noone had any idea about the main cause of the

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