The Perils Of Indifference Summary

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Indifference is seductive, inhumane, and the line between good and evil. Indifference is helping the enemy, it is death. Writer and Holocaust Survivor, Wiesel Elie in his speech, “The Perils of Indifference”, argues that being indifferent to those who are suffering assists the enemy. He supports his claim by first defining and describing indifference as “seductive”, “tempting”, and “easier.” Wiesel goes on to illustrate the dangers of indifference by using personal experience and historical events as examples. Finally, the author creates awareness of indifference from the past, present, and future. Wiesel’s purpose is to describe why indifference is inhumane in order to persuade people not to be indifferent. He establishes a serious tone, critical, and somber tone for Politicians, Ambassadors, Mr. President, and members of congress. The general argument made by author Wiesel in his speech, “The Perils of Indifference, is that indifference is dangerous. More specifically, Wiesel argues that indifference to those suffering is inhumane. He writes, “Better an unjust God than an indifferent one. For us to be ignored by God was a harsher punishment than to be a victim of His anger.” In the article, Weisel is suggesting that God’s …show more content…

Unfortunately, indifference is easy, tempting, and seductive, but there have been groups and people that have stood up for what they believe. Although, people believe these genocides can not happen now, there are many tragedies that are going on. We can learn to get involved and care for those who feel worthless from the speech. Feeling worthless or not important is worse than punishments. It is vital that we ask ourselves about the lessons we learn from the consequences of action and inaction during the Holocaust and other human rights tragedies. This can allow us not to make the same mistake

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