The Pauline Epistles I: The book of Romans

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The book of Romans is the book doctrinal written by the Apostle Paul. This book is also a book is unique because it was written and sent without Paul never went to Rome or find churches in Rome. Epistle to the Romans is not to doubt, because in Romans is the basis of the Gospel which is the theme of this book. Therefore it needs to be emphasized that this letter is so important. In these letters Paul provides the most complete statement of the doctrine in the New Testament. If want to know the ins and outs of Christianity, let people check out the writings of Paul to the Romans. So says a notable interpreter. Because of that this note on Romans should earnestly by every Christian, as very important and contains the full spiritual object. The city of Rome is filled with people who have different backgrounds, there are Jews and Greece. In the Christian church there especially Romans 2: 1-10 States about Jews who feel most correctly and no longer need to be punished because they as the elect and the right to judge anyone especially people outside of the Jews. However, in this chapter Paul emphasizes judgments of God which will be fair to all people. Paul emphasizes that there is no more right or wrong, all equal before God even though at first the Jews given special grace to receive the promise of salvation. Our group will discuss more about Romans 2: 1-10, where this text we give the theme of "a just judgment of God" (Utley) Background Epistle to the Romans is the longest Paul's letters, most influential, and theological. Probably for reasons that this letter was placed in front of the thirteenth letter of the other. Paul wrote this letter in order to phrophet services to non-Jewish world. Contrary to the tradition ... ... middle of paper ... ...ran Roma dari Bahasa Yunani, . (Bandung: Yayasan Kalam Hidup, 2000) , n.d. Handoko, Yakub Tri. " Pendalaman Alkitab GKRI Exodus, 12 September 2006." 12 September 2006. Kaiser, Jr.Walter C. Toward An Exegetical Theology. (Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1981), n.d. Stott, John. The Message of Romans: God’s Good News For The World,. (Leceister, England: InterVarsity Press, 2001)., n.d. Sutanto, Hasan. Hermeneutik: Prinsip dan Metode Penafsiran Alkitab. Gramedia, 2010. —. Perjanjian Baru Interlinear Yunani-Indonesia dan konkordansi PB jilid 1. Jakarta: Gramedia, 2001. Takaliuang, Erni. " Eksposisi Efesus." ( (Batu: I-3, 2007), ). Tenney, Merril C. Survei Perjanjian Baru, . (Malang: Gandum Mas, 2009), , n.d. Utley, Bob. Surat Paulus Kepada Jemaat di Roma, . Bob Utley, Surat Paulus Kepada Jemaat di Roma, (Marshall, Texas: Bible Lesson International, 2010), , n.d.

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