The Paris Peace Treaties and Right of Self Determination

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The Paris Peace Treaties and Right of Self Determination When conflict ended in 1919 a series of peace treaties were signed between the ally and axis powers. Woodrow Wilson's 14 points signified a clear move to restore the pre war geographical state of Europe, with slight reforms concerning the Alsace Lorraine regions and the Ottoman Empire. However the most a controversial issue in nearly all of the treaties was the question of territory. Self determination was banned outright in most of the axis countries thus worsening the economic effects of the treaties, as for many countries annexation would have eased the economic strain of reparations and war debt. But to what extent were the treaties based upon self-determination, as a historian I aim to investigate and judge the level of restriction concerning self-determination in the Paris peace treaties. During the conflict all of Germanys colonies had been lost to the allied powers, it was decided that these colonies would not be returned, annexed or given immediate independence. Instead they were to become mandates of the allied powers under the League of Nations supervision in preparation for independence at a later date. However the mandated countries were treated as colonies of the allies and so the mandate did little to please Germany. Germany was distressed further when the industrial coalfields of Saar went to France for a 15-year probationary period ending in a plebiscite between France, Germany and League control. The decision to give France the Saar was mainly due to French insistence. The strength of Frances demands was so strong that it nearly ended the peace talks ... ... middle of paper ... ...cheque' they had signed in the treaty (the exact figure of reparations was not fixed until 1920.) When first looking at the Paris peace treaties it is clear to see the damaging effects of several clauses, including reparations, disarmament and clause 231. However when examining the treaties further I can see the devastating effects of territorial divisions, they effected and worsened the impact of the other main clauses. The lack of industrial areas meant reparations were relentlessly needed to cover the 6.6-billon figure and the ban on an Anscluss with Austria meant Germanys hopes for an annexation were dashed leaving them in a dire economic situation. If only the Paris peace treaties following the First World War had been based mainly upon the right of self-determination then later conflict could have been avoided.

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