The Outsiders Character Analysis

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Don’t judge people for their choices they make when you don’t know the options they had to choose from.” Before you have a perspective of somebody make sure you know their backstory. In the book, The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton, there are two gangs called the Greasers and Socs. The Socs have more opportunity and the Greasers get less opportunities. The Socs and Greasers don’t go well together and they have many fights and disagreements with each other except for two people. Cherry, a Soc, and Ponyboy, a Greaser, talk to each other and make really good friends. S.E. Hinton is trying to show the reader that a person's perspective of another person is not always accurate. This is shown by Ponyboy and Cherry realize they are not that different and …show more content…

On the outside he is tough and on the inside he is nice and caring. In other words Dally is judged by his physical appearance. On the inside he is nice and kind and caring but he is judged by tough and cool. “I was crazy, you know that kid? Crazy for wantin’ Johnny to stay out of trouble, for not wanting’ him to get hard. If he’d been like me he’d never would have run into that church. That's what you get for helping’ people.” (Hinton 147). This illustrates that Dally is judged or people have the perspective of Dally as being this muscular, cool and tough guy. But on the inside Dally is this soft-hearted, kind, and caring guy, Dally snapped when Johnny died. This illustrated that Dally really cared about Johnny and wanted him to live. This shows that when Ponyboy was watching Dally run out of the hospital, Ponyboy ‘s perspective of Dally completely changes. Ponyboy did not expect him to do this. Dally doesn’t let his stereotype define who he is of what other people think of him. S.E Hinton is trying to show the reader that a person’s perspective of another person is not always true. The characters Cherry and Ponyboy tell the reader that even though another you think person is different than someone else you might not be different after all/ Dally is a rule breaker on the outside but on the inside he is kind and soft-hearted. People have different perspectives of things but it might now always be tight. When you see a person for the first time do you have a perspective of them right away or do you get to know the person? Think about

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