The One America Character Analysis

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There are many characters in the Selection series, but these five characters are the most important in The One. America, the narrator of the story, is a feisty, red haired girl with blue eyes who speaks up for what is right and often gets in trouble for it. She grew up caste as a five in the province of Carolina and the middle child of five children. America is thin from not receiving as much food as she should, five feet seven inches tall, and extremely beautiful. America never wanted to be part of the selection, she just wanted to be a musician, singing and playing instruments at the parties of richer citizens until she had enough money to marry her boyfriend Aspen. It was Aspen’s idea to enter the selection in the first place, and …show more content…

He loves photography, and if he wasn’t the prince of the country, he would want to be a photographer, a five. Maxon has clean cut honey blond hair and brown eyes, compared to chocolate by America. He has a muscular build and many scars rippling down his back, one for each time he misbehaves. Maxon is slightly oblivious to what is going on in the lower castes until America arrives and he is shocked to find out that she has gone without food before. Maxon is extremely good at hiding his feelings because of the stress of his job and always remains calm in difficult …show more content…

Kiera Cass used good word choice and described parts of her book in great detail, her dialog was very good as well. The plot of the book was easy to follow and predictable, but the book would have not been as good if she got second place and it would be difficult for the author to write a sequel series. Cass did include some creative twists on the usual love story including a knee to the thigh, book stealing rebels, and creative tasks the girls had to pass to move on in the competition. Kiera Cass could have developed her setting and characters much better over the course of the three book series because I felt like I still couldn’t fully picture the characters in my mind. A few more descriptive paragraphs on each character and the setting would have made the book much more enjoyable. The book was a fast read because there wasn’t a whole lot of detail. The book was really fun to read and a refreshing change from the usual books I read, but because of the missing detail, I have to give this book three point five out of five stars. Although there were obvious mistakes, I would recommend this book because I loved this book and have already read it

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