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Essay on the Abrahamic covenant
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The main aspects of the Noahic covenant are that God made an unconditional covenant to Noah, all his descendants, and every living creature (the whole earth in general) that he would never flood the earth again (Genesis 8:21). The sign that sealed this covenant was a rainbow, to remind us of his promise. Since the covenant is unconditional, it is purely based on God’s faithfulness (Genesis 9:13-17). These passages show that God was not pleased with humanity at that time. He wanted to wipe them all from the earth. However, God spared mankind by protecting Noah and his family. The sign of the rainbow reminds every living creature on earth and God of this covenant that he will not wipe away mankind with flood water again, however it also reminds …show more content…
12: 1-7). God gives Abraham a son in his old age named Isaac in which through him God established his covenant (Gen. 17: 15-19). The sign of this covenant was circumcision of all the males in his family, symbolizing the acceptance of covenant and willingness to obey God. (Gen. 17: 10-11).Through the Abrahamic Covenant, God elects his chosen people and establishes a partnership with them. This shows that God wanted to build a relationship with His people. Just like all the other covenants, the Abrahamic Covenant was initiated by God. The Abrahamic Covenant is the starting point in which God establishes his people and Kingdom. Through Abraham, God has chosen his people that his promises would be made to. The Mosiac/Sinai Covenant is a conditional covenant between God and Israel. Having used Moses to deliver Israel from Egypt, God makes a covenant with his people. If Israel follows God and His divine commandments God would bless and protect them, if not God would punish them (Exodus 20). God promises to make Israel a kingdom of priests and make them a light and set apart from this dark world (Exodus …show more content…
The covenant is unconditional because it does not depend on David or the obedience of Israel, it depends on God’s faithfulness. God also reaffirms the promise of the land made in the Abrahamic and Mosaic covenants (2 Samuel 7:10). God also states that David’s son will build the temple that David desired to build for God (1 Chronicles 17:12). I believe this covenant shows God’s faithfulness to his people even when we aren 't faithful to Him. God promises to bless his people even if they disobey because he has made his promise and is faithful. Just like all the other covenants, the Davidic Covenant was initiated by God. This is the last main covenant made by God before the New Covenant. The Davidic covenant is pretty important because in this covenant the Messiah is promised to come through it. The New Covenant is the promise made by God to all the earth. The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the foundation of this promise. We are called to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Through Jesus our sins are paid for and we can now enter into a personal and eternal relationship with God. He is our God and we are His people (Jeremiah
David is the first king that God chooses to lead His people (Saul was chosen by the Israelites). God makes a covenant with him that there will always be a descendant of his on the
Covenant according in bible's point of view is a promise made by God to man. According to the book of Genesis, Chapter 6 Verse 13, as a result of human's disobedient and evil ways on earth, God had planned to put an end to humanity with flood. The covenants between God and Noah was established in Genesis Chapter 9 Verse 11. God promised Noah and his descendants, never again would he destroy the earth by flood of water because of the pleasant sacrifice offered to God by Noah. God also confirmed his covenant by putting up signs in the sky in the form of a rainbow. The reason Noah and his family weren’t destroyed in the flood was because Noah found grace in God's sight. What this means is that God do not establish any kind of covenant with just anyone. Clearly Abel, Noah and Abraham were unshakable, upright and obedient towards God’s command.
Like Moses, David was not a likely choice as a leader. David was a shepherd boy but he displayed incredible courage by killing Goliath. David had been faithful and obedient to God and God saw David’s heart. "But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature: because I have refused him: for [the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart" (1 Samuel 16:7). David had opportunities to kill Saul but, never desired to do so. David later hand many transgressions during his reign. David had many flaws; he was an adulterer and murderer. He knew he was wrong and always repented and had the desire to please God. God knew none of his people were perfect but he favors those who are obedient. David’s love for God never wavered and was always spiritual and always praised the Lord. He was committed to God. Even when no one else knows if you are faithful, God knows. God has a plan for all of us and we just have to be patient. David was anointed by God. He didn’t compromise and only showed love. Therefore, David was shown favor over Saul by God.
This phrase is later repeated three more times, in Judges 18:1, 19:1, and 21:25. Since the phrase is repeated several times, it emphasizes the need for a king to govern the people and lead them in better ways. The Davidic covenant also exemplifies this positive view, since God showed favor on David and his descendants. God said that King David’s descendants are God’s sons, and that the LORD will establish a “royal throne forever”, as in a line of kings until the end of time (2 Sam. 7:13). God also promises to give David “rest from all your enemies” (2 Sam. 7:11) and a place for his people to live (2 Sam. 7:10). Just like Abraham, King David is promised descendants, blessings, and land. Hezekiah, another good king of Judah, was also viewed favorably. In the LORD’s sight, Hezekiah did what was right, just like David (2 Kgs 18:3). 2 Kings 18: 5 also states that “and neither before nor after [Hezekiah] was there anyone like him among all the kings of Judah.” Unlike Solomon, Hezekiah observed the commandments and thus, “the LORD was with him, and he succeeded in all he set out to do” (2 Kgs 18:7). Therefore, the Deuteronomistic History looks favorably upon kings, since the need for a king is stated multiple times in Judges, and kings like David and Hezekiah are looked upon with favor by God and the people
An everlasting covenant is a promise from God that is characterized as eternal. Charles Spurgeon describes the significance of a covenant as, “the only ladder, which reaches from earth to heaven.” Covenants have historically connected to many passages all throughout the Old Testament; however, eternal covenant is mentioned in the New Testament as well (NIV, Hebrews 13:20). The reason eternal covenant is only mentioned once in the New Testament is because the Blood of the Lamb is the only needed element, as the work of the cross covers all sins for all people. An example of an Old Testament covenant is the Noahic Covenant , which is still significant today, is God’s promise to never flood the earth again (NIV, Genesi...
God had offered Chosen people, a covenant, or special agreement. In this covenant, The Israelites promised to worship only God, and in return God promised them. preservation throughout history and the land of Canaan. Canaan was later called Judah, Israel, and Palestine. Central to the understanding of the Jewish covenant is the prosperous herdsman who heard and followed God’s call, Abraham.
King David secured the beginnings of a prosperous Israelite empire; he made Jerusalem its capital and brought the Ark of the Covenant there with the hopes of building the First Great Temple for his people. However, it would be his son, King Solomon who would be the one to accomplish this. The Great Temple housed the Ark of the Covenant and also had places to make offerings. Having been nomadic, this temple finally gave the Israelites a stabile place to worship. In fact, the text World Religions by Mary Pat Fisher says that the Israelites looked at this Great Temple as “a central stationary place where God would be most present to them” (Fisher 250). This Temple was a beacon of hope and a place to go where they knew that they would be closer to God.
Their unfaithfulness led to enslavement in Egypt for approximately four hundred years. When the Lord finally freed his people through Moses, He established a second covenant. This new covenant bound the twelve tribes of Israel into one community under a set of commandments by which the people would model their lives. The Ten Commandments serve to protect the Hebrew community. The first commandment, “You shall have no other gods before me,” must come first because it reestablishes the foundation that God defines right and wrong. The second, third and fourth commandments aim to prevent divisive values from forming in the community. Commandments five through nine focus on specific actions and the timing of their consequences. For example, killing has immediate consequences, whereas adultery has future implications. The Israelites separate themselves from other civilizations with the final commandment. God commands the Hebrews to control their thoughts, so that their thoughts may not lead to sinful actions. The Ten Commandments were not concerned with granting justice among the people, but firmly established the first principles of one of the longest lasting cultures in human
The Mosaic Covenant from exodus is a promise made between God and the nation of Israel at Mount Sinai. To begin with, the pattern of the covenant is very similar to other ancient covenants of that time because it is between God and his people. In the textbook, it explains how the Hebrews have struggled with the pharaoh around 1250 B.C.E. Moses, who was a prince that grew up in the household of the pharaoh, ran away. After returning he led the Hebrew slaves at the bottom of Mount Sinai. God spoke to the Hebrews who he freed them and explained the Ten Commandments. In addition, a quote form the readings “ I am the lord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt.” (Judaism, pg. 397) This quote is the first commandment stating that he,
Following the creation story of the book of Genesis is the book of Exodus. In Genesis, God promised Abraham a “great nation from which all nations of the earth will be blessed (Gen 12:1-3)” and in Exodus God completes this promise through the creation of the holy nation, Israel. Exodus tells the story of the God who rescued his people out of Egypt because of the promise he had made to Abraham. God calls to Moses to complete his promise. God’s call to Moses is not only important because he liberates the Israelites but also because God reveals His name(s) along with His true Nature. God calls upon Moses and tells him that He’s back to help the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt and that Moses is to lead them. God then gives him full instructions on what to tell the Pharaoh and, more importantly, the Israelites, who are promised, land “flowing with milk and honey”.
Abraham was portrayed as the father of the Jewish people and this serves as a key element in Judaism. A covenant is an agreement between two parties. Between God and Abraham there existed unconditional covenants in which God made promises to him that required nothing in return; there were no conditions were attached. Abrahamic covenant was everlasting and from the Bible it begins to unfold from the book of Genesis12.
Even though God saw people as evil, he wanted to show his grace. He wanted to separate certain people in the world as His chosen people. “He wanted a chosen people: 1. To whom He might entrust the Holy Scriptures. 2. To be His witness to the other nations. 3. Through whom the promised Messiah could come” (Mears 47). This covenant is made between God and Abram. This covenant marks the beginning history of Israel, God’s chosen people.
Judaism is one of the most ancient religions in the world. Abraham, his descendants, and Moses are believed to have been the founders. According to Jewish beliefs until Abraham man worshiped many Gods. The story begins with Abraham and his wife Sarah trying to conceive a child. When Abraham was 99 and Sarah 90 God came to Abraham and told him they would have a son. After the child was born God again came to Abraham and tested his beliefs by asking him to sacrifice his only son Isaac. Isaac willingly went with Abraham to be sacrificed. Before Abraham could sacrifice Isaac God sent an angel down to stop him. As a reward for his faith God made a covenant with Abraham that he and his descendants would be protected as long as they continued to show faith in him and live a life that was wholesome. Also from this it is said God blessed Abraham with many children. His son Isaac had two sons Jacob and Esau, Jacob who changes his name to Israel had twelve sons. Israel’s had twelve sons they are the “12 tribes of Israel” and their descendants are later known as the Israelites also called Hebrews.
Men began to increase in number.“ The LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil, continually. And the LORD was sorry that he had made man on the earth and it grieved his to his heart.(Genesis 6:5-6) The LORD was going to wipe out the human race, the cattle, the crawling things and the fowl. God said “I regret that I have made them. (Genesis 6:7-8) The LORD found favor in the eyes of Noah. Noah was chosen by God to build an ark. Noah was chosen because he was a r...
In addition, Abraham and his descendants would populate the land of Canaan. God also told Abraham he would bless Israel with a great nation. Abraham was told to circumcise every male at eight days old. He was to circumcise Ishmael and any males bought with his money from any foreigners who were not his offspring. The circumcision would signify the covenant between Abraham and God.