The world is getting hotter, and it is our fault! Global warming is the term given to the slow rise in the earth’s temperature over a long period of time, which happens when air polluting gasses like carbon dioxide and methane gases get trapped in the atmosphere making the atmosphere thick. The thick atmosphere prevents heat from escaping, which changes the earth’s temperature to a warmer climate. This warming has a negative impact on the earth and all that inhabit which makes it an environmental issue of global concern. While some may argue that global warming is not real, the earth is proving otherwise. Warmer temperatures are causing ice glaciers to melt, resulting in a rise in sea levels. Global warming is also causing a change in weather patterns, imposing devastating and unpredictable weather conditions on plants, animals, and humans. While global warming is caused partly by natural environmental occurrences out of our control, human activities are responsible the majority of global warming. The combustion of fossil fuels, chemical fertilizer use, methane emissions from factory farm animals, and deforestation are the main human activities that contribute to global warming. …show more content…
Poor gas mileage vehicles, long distance traveling in those vehicles, and the large number of cars on the road are a contributing factor. In addition to vehicles, factories that burn coal and manufacturing factories also produce high levels of gases. The carbon dioxide gas produced by these activities is detrimental to the atmosphere. “A single gallon of gasoline, when burned, puts 19 pounds of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.” (citation). Human activities that involve the combustion of fossil fuels continue to contribute to global
Global warming refers to the increasing temperature of the earth’s atmosphere due to rises in CO2 and other pollutants, collectively referred to as greenhouse gases. This increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases is leading to climate changes experienced world-wide. The warming of the earth’s atmosphere has resulted in the rise of water temperatures in oceans and seas. The coral reef ecosystem is highly sensitive to even the smallest of changes in temperature. As sea temperatures rise, the corals pass their thermal thresholds and enter a state of stress. When they are stressed the symbiotic zooxanthellae that live within them leave. The zooxanthellae and the coral share a symbiotic relationship meaning that they both benefit from one another’s presence. When the zooxanthellae leave, they take part of the coral’s energy source with them. Also when this expulsion of zooxanthellae occurs, the coral loses its color which gives rise to the term coral bleaching. Coral bleaching does not always result in the death of coral, but it does make them more susceptible to disease and UV radiation. Global warming is also causing oceans to acidify which weakens coral structure making them easy targets for bacteria and disease. The oceans absorb the CO2 from the atmosphere which in turn lowers the pH of the water and reduces the calcification rate of reef building coral (NOAA).
Global warming is an increasing threat to the Earth and future generations. Global warming, sometimes called climate change, is the name given to the process of heat getting trapped in the atmosphere and damaging the environment. Greenhouse gases cause heat to gets stuck in the atmosphere by trapping the sun’s rays. When the sun’s rays enter the Earth, they should bounce back into the atmosphere. Instead the gases trap them, causing the temperature to rise. In the past the temperature of the Earth has risen slowly and evenly but recently the temperature has risen faster. The temperature of the Earth has risen at least one degree Fahrenheit during the twentieth century. If global warming is not controlled there are serious consequences. People, animals, and plants could be living in an atmosphere that is not suitable for sustaining healthy lives.
Global warming and global climate change is the study of future increases of temperature across the globe. Studying climate change refers to how the over- all climate will change such as the dry places getting dryer and the wet places getting wetter. Global climate is dependent on “the greenhouse effect a natural process that helps regulate temperature” (Easterling and Karl). In the past few centuries humans have had a monumental effect on increasing of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Climate change is result of the increase amount of the greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere such as methane, carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitrous oxide, and ozone. “Global temperature has rose approximately 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit over
Climate change is arguably one of the most controversial topics in modern science, and undoubtedly one of the most important. Ongoing research has shown that the planet’s climatic temperature has increased slightly yet significantly over the past century. Studies have also found that this warming can be attributed to human activities since the Industrial Revolution in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. As time goes on and humans continue their harmful actions, climate change and its related effects will continue to negatively impact nearly all living organisms.
Leading to our planets slow demise, global climate change is an important issue that has sparked fascinating research on its causes, as well as its future effects. There has been significant change in weather patterns and climate over the past century. Sea levels are rising, ice caps are shrinking, and extreme unexpected disasters are occurring all over the world at an alarming rate. This means devastating outcomes for the future of planet earth, along with all of earth’s inhabitants. Earth is home to billions of people, as well as countless species. The despondent truth is that humanity is to blame for global climate change.
The climate on the Earth is changing. Ice age is interleaved with the global warming. In the present age, the temperature of the Earth's climate system continues to rapidly increase and it leads to global warming. Global warming is the process of gradual growth of average annual temperature of the atmosphere of the Earth and World oceans. The average temperature on the Earth was increased by 0.6C. There are various reasons for global warming, such as human activities, natural events, increasing of gases, such as carbon dioxide in atmosphere and solar activity (Global warming).
Many hazardous pollutants escape from the internal combustion of the engine. Conventional gas powered vehicles use irreplaceable fossil fuels to run. When burned, these fossil fuels create numerous toxins like carbon dioxide (Larminie 246). Carbon dioxide is considered the main greenhouse gas that creates the foundation for global warming (, pollutants). This harmful pollutant may not have a serious effect on people at first, but it does have consequential effects on the environment that in turn put people in danger ( The major consequence caused by global warming is the rise in average temperature. This results in a domino...
The emission of carbon dioxide has contributed to 80% to the heating of the earth atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is produced due the burning of fossil fuels such as natural gas, coal and oil. The burning of fossil fuel is very important in our society today, because it is used for cooking, used to produce electricity, for heating, for cooling and also for transportation. The industrialization has led to the use of fossil fuel for running machines and driving cars. The building of fossil fuel contributes towards 80-90% of the carbon dioxide we find in our atmosphere today. When the ecosystems are altered and vegetation is either burned or took out, the carbon stored in them is relinquished to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide (What causes global climate change, 2005). Methane is another gas being produced in the process which all have served to increase the greenhouse effect in our atmosphere. Methane is produced from the cultivation of rice, from the burning of coal and from cattle, it has increased by 145% due to human
Car pollutants cause immediate and long-term effects on the environment. Car exhausts emit a wide range of gases and solid matter, causing global warming, acid rain, and harming the environment and human health. Engine noise and fuel spills also cause pollution. Cars, trucks and other forms of transportation are the single largest contributor to air pollution in the United States, but car owners can reduce their vehicle's effects on the environment. Car pollution is one of the major causes of global warming. Cars and trucks emit carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, which contribute one-fifth of the United States' total global warming pollution. Greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere, which causes worldwide temperatures to rise.
Humans and animals breathe out Carbon Dioxide, often referred to as the greenhouse gas, as a waste product. Plants take in this CO2 and use it to make food. This is called photosynthesis. During this process oxygen is released which is then breathed in by humans and animals. This procedure is repeated over and over and a natural balance is obtained. However this natural balance is disrupted by human activity. People of the world are putting more than 5.5 billion tons of CO2 into the atmosphere every year. 75% of this is caused from the burning of fossil fuels. These fuels are burnt all the time to run factories, power plants and vehicles. The main sources of CO2 emissions are electric utilities, residential buildings, industry and transportation. The other 25% is induced by the destruction of the world's forests. The reason for this is that there are less trees and plants to take in the CO2 but there is just as many, if not more, humans and animals to breathe it out.
These fuels include coal, oil products such as gasoline, and natural gas. Use of these fuels has a number of harmful health and environmental effects. According to the World Health Organization, outdoor air pollution, most of it from burning fossil fuels, especially coal kills at least 800,000 people each year and causes health problems for tens of millions of others. Technology is available to reduce such air pollution, but using it is costly and results in higher fuel
Global Warming is a condition caused by greenhouse gases and human activities. The increased concentration of greenhouse gases due to activities such as deforestation and fossil fuel burning is causing the Earth’s atmosphere and oceans to warm up. As a result of this, global warming has some serious effects in the shape of extreme weather, species extinctions, and rising sea levels. These effects can contribute to the changes that are taking place all over the world, most of which are dangerous enough to pose a threat to the survival of life on Earth in the future.
Human activities add to the levels of these gasses, causing more problems. “Automobiles, heat from homes and businesses, and factories are responsible for about 80% of today's carbon dioxide emissions, 25% of methane emissions, and 20% of the nitrous oxide emissions.” (3) The increase in agriculture, deforestation, landfills, industrial production, and mining contribute a significant share of emissions also. These gases that are released into the atmosphere are tracked by emission inventories. An emission inventory counts the amount of air pollutants discharged into the atmosphere. These inventories are important in studying the affects of global warming on the Earth.
Global Warming One of the most substantial problems in the world today is global warming. This gradual warming of the earth is in occurrence at an extremely slow rate but it is happening. Many scientists believe that as human’s work and release greenhouse gases into the earth’s atmosphere, it can become dangerous for the long lasting life of humans and our environment. “Unless we take immediate action, the impacts of global warming will continue to intensify, grow ever more costly and damaging, and increasingly affect the entire planet - including you, your community, and your family” (“Global Warming Impacts”).
Global warming is an increase in average global temperatures. This will lead to rising temperatures of the oceans and the earth’s surface. Coal is a main contributor to global warming because so much electricity is produced from coal-burning power plants. According to the book Global Warming by Peggy Parks, “In the United States, more than 50 percent of all electrical plants use coal, which also provides power for about 40 percent of the total electricity generated throughout the world” (43). Global warming is also caused because of deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels. Many people say that global warming is natural; however, people speed up the process. Global Warming needs to be taken serious because as the temperature rises, it causes melting of polar ice caps, a rise in sea levels or unnatural patters of precipitation which can result in floods. This can also have an effect on wildlife such as the food chain. Many species have been dying of starvation and many have to move to different places due to the temperature changes. Possible solutions to Global Warming is for people to switch to LED light bulbs as it gives the same light and uses less electricity, wash clothes in cold water, buy less products, and to spread the