The Negative Effects Of Colorism In The Black Community

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Colorism has existed in the black community for some time now, and continues to devastate our community. Likewise, all around the world, people face the effects of colorism, and show that colorism is not an American born issue. From Brazil to Korea, people are not getting jobs or losing their self-esteem over something as minor as skin color. To fully understand colorism, the definition must be clear; colorism is prejudice against people with darker skin, typically among the same racial or ethnic group. This research paper will explore which countries are affected by colorism and what are the effects. The paper will look through data, real testimonies, and representation in the media as different indicators of the effects of colorism. More …show more content…

There are several reasons for the colorism around the world because some countries were isolated nations. Eurocentrism did not affect countries like China and Japan because they were European controlled in the past. By the same token though they still share the social bias that countries like Brazil, India, and Nigeria have. The colorism in all these countries has adverse effects on children and adults alike. This leads to the bleaching of skin being rampant in these countries. Even in American, beauty products glorify skin “brightening” creams and face washes that give the wearer a “glow”. Darker skin people must deal with pressures and commercials like this since they are children. The later personal testimonies will tell that the constant stress gets to an individual. People around the world have this same awful experience, and can testify to it. Even the continent of Asia is crawling with colorism as the reader will …show more content…

First it gives the history of colorism in America from slavery to now. It drives the point that colorism is tearing the black community apart. The article then begins to show examples of how darker skin black people are shown negatively in the media. The article states there are a shroud of negative connotations around dark skin people. The article stresses that even though the jabs can be slight and subtle, they have a lasting effect. The Clark Doll Experiment is explained in the article and an analysis of it. Lighter skin in America is considered the norm according to the article, and effects the minds of the youth. The article gives studies on how employers view light and dark skin differently. It goes to explain that this is just not an African American problem, but also spread across all cultures. The article concludes with ways to fix the problem of colorism for all racial

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